
Boy, 11, calls on California lawmakers to pass “Zachy’s Bill” requiring schools to have life-saving allergy drug



SACRAMENTO – At just six years old, Zachy Munoz had a near-death allergic reaction at school.

“Something was different, so I went to the nurse and I started throwing up feeling sick,” Munoz said.

He has a food allergy and can go into anaphylactic shock if he eats certain things.

“I’m allergic to nuts, shellfish, beans, peas, avocados, and sesame,” Munoz said.


Fortunately, his school had the drug epinephrine on hand – which is administered by using a plastic epipen.

But not every campus has the medicine, or someone trained to use it.

“When having an anaphylactic reaction, every minute counts,” Munoz said.

Now he’s 11 and taking his story to the California State Capitol, trying to pass a bill requiring schools to make the life-saving drug more accessible.

“If it’s locked up and there’s no one there to get it or administrate it, it can be fatal,” Munoz said.


So how will these new allergy response requirements help?

“It makes sure epinephrine is accessible at all times, and makes sure that there’s clear communication where epinephrine is stored,” Munoz said. “It allows more people to be trained to administer epinephrine.”

He’s testified in front of lawmakers supporting the bill.

“Some kids didn’t get epinephrine on time, or at all, and didn’t make it,” Munoz said.

And on Friday, it cleared a major hurdle in a senate committee – with Zachy sitting right in the front row.


“Best advocate in the Capitol right there,” said Sen. Anthony Portantino.

“I was overjoyed, I was so happy,” Zachy said.

The legislature says there is no organized opposition to the bill, but it could cost school districts several hundred thousand dollars to implement statewide.

“I believe that the cost is very worth it because epinephrine is our only lifeline,” Munoz said.

It’s estimated there are 500,000 kids in California that have food allergies, and six million nationwide.


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