
Trends article examines in-state migration in Alaska



Juneau, Alaska (KINY) – The Might version of Alaska Financial Traits, Ready by the analysis and evaluation unit within the Alaska Division of Labor and Workforce improvement, appears at the place alaska residents migrate to throughout the state.

It was penned by Demographer Eric Sandberg.

In-state migration within the final 20 years declined by 25%.

Sandberg mentioned the pandemic impacted the decline.


“About 20 years in the past, about 19,000 folks moved throughout a borough or census space in in regards to the 12 months 2000, 2001, and that has dropped to only over 14,000 in 2020 to 2021, and within the pandemic, that quantity dropped extra steeply than anytime within the final 20 years through the 2020 to 2021 12 months, it dropped about 1000 folks,” he mentioned.

Sandberg defined that rural communities within the state are likely to see extra instate migrants, whereas city communities see extra out of the migrants.

“Typically, they migrate to city areas, the locations are likely to intently match the state’s inhabitants, so, extra populous city areas obtain a proportionate share of migrants however for rural areas in state migration is a bigger issue, each in individuals who depart rural areas have a tendency to remain throughout the state and rural areas are likely to get migrants from in-state, versus city areas, whereas they obtain a lot of the in-state migrants, in state migrants make up a smaller share of the newcomers shifting into a spot like Juneau or Anchorage.”

Sandberg mentioned that southeast migration is an fascinating case, since migrants from cities throughout the area, keep within the area..

“In-state migration inside southeast, it tends to be extra localized,” he mentioned. “Individuals in southeast do not have a tendency to maneuver to different elements of the state, when you’re shifting in southeast and also you’re staying in state, you have a tendency to maneuver to a different a part of southeast so typically Petersburg to Juneau, or Haines to Juneau, or Prince of Wales to Ketchikan, so southeast is exclusive in that regard.”


Sandberg mentioned that whereas males transfer out of the state at a better price, the gender ratio for in-state movers has skewed feminine.

“Ladies now have a tendency to maneuver extra inside Alaska than males, which is totally different from the motion of individuals into and out of the state. I did an article a few years in the past migration into Alaska and out of Alaska and it is nonetheless principally males, about 120 per 100 girls. However in state migration is now principally girls, about 96 males shifting per 400 girls, and it is not an enormous distinction in ratio, however it has modified during the last 20 years. In order that 20 years in the past continues to be about 110 Males shifting per 100 girls and I checked out it as a really fascinating outcome.”

Sandberg mentioned the Anchorage and Mat-su had the very best share of in-state movers at 54%. The inside was second at 13%, the Gulf Coast was 12%, southeast is at 10%.

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