On Aug. 6, the Anchorage Daily News published a piece by Sen. Dan Sullivan in which the senator described his earnest concern for the mental, physical and emotional health and safety of Alaska youth. He wrote about the harmful effects of social media, about bullying, about young girls being told they aren’t good enough, and about suicides. He mentioned the sometimes tragic effects on our youth of loneliness and isolation.
And yet, earlier this year, the same paper reported that Sullivan cosigned a letter on March 28 to the Department of Health and Human Services, criticizing gender-affirming care for children. And even earlier, in September of last year, Sullivan co-signed a letter denouncing proposed federal protections for transgender athletes.
I simply ask Sullivan to stop and think about the effects of bullying, isolation and loneliness on Alaska’s trans youth. I ask him to consider what it must feel like for a child, and their parents, to know that their very identity is being legislated against. I just say to Sullivan that if he is sincere about advocating for the well-being of Alaska youth, he not try to pick and choose which of Alaska’s youth are worthy.
— Jeanne Ashcraft
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