
Letter: A colony worth keeping



By Bill Hall

Updated: 1 hour ago Published: 1 hour ago

Alaska was purchased from Russia for the economic potential of its natural resources. It has fulfilled that purpose as a resource colony for the benefit of investors with the capacity to finance the extraction of both the resources and the wealth they create. First it was gold, then salmon, then oil and gas. Now it is the development of resources, such as minerals and chemical elements, used in the transition from an unsustainable oil and gas economy to one based on renewable resources.

It is probable that Alaska will always be a resource colony if our history is any indicator. It is also probable that Alaskans will continue to be treated unfairly by the colonizers, despite the requirement in our constitution that the natural resources belonging to the state shall be developed for the maximum benefit of its people.


It could be different if we, voters, would elect officials who understood and would be faithful to their oath of allegiance to our constitution. It could be different if our Legislature would pass SB 114, introduced by Sen. Bill Wielechowski, which would reduce tax credit subsidies for arguably the wealthiest and most profitable corporations in the nation. Then we would have a colony worth keeping.

— Bill Hall


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