
A celebration of Sen. Lyda Green's life



Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy gives an Alaska flag to Curtis Green, the husband of the late Sen. Lyda Green.

About 150 Alaskans attended the celebration and memorial for the life of the late Sen. Lyda Green, who died Dec. 19, 2023 in Soldotna.

At the chapel in Janssen’s MatSu Funeral Home, Gov. Mike Dunleavy presented to Sen. Green’s husband Curtis Green an Alaska flag that had been flown above Alaska’s Capitol. Along with dozens of friends and family, Must Read Alaska spotted several former state lawmakers, local political figures, and former aides to Green who attended to share the memory of the woman who served for 14 years in the Alaska Senate, starting in 1994.

Presenting a memoriam from the Alaska Legislature was Sen. David Wilson. Also present was MatSu Borough Mayor Edna and Noel DeVries, Wasilla Mayor Glenda Ledford, former Reps. Dick Randolph, Lindsey Holmes, and Ralph Samuels, former Sens. Bill Stoltze, Charlie Huggins, Gretchen Guess, and Scott Ogan; Sen. Shelley Hughes, Rep. David Eastman, House Speaker Cathy Tilton, former Green aides Portia Babcock Samuels and Jeff Turner.

Also present were congressional candidate Nick Begich, Cheryl Frasca, Chris Nelson, Dirk Craft, Palmer Councilman Richard Best, Renee Reeves, former Wasilla Councilwoman Gretchen O’Barr, State Senate candidate Jared Goecker of Eagle River, and others who were mentored or befriended by Sen. Green.


Gov. Dunleavy recalled how he first came to know the senator while he was a school superintendent in rural Alaska, during a time when there were troubles at one of his village schools. He later got to know her when he ran for MatSu School Board and she hosted a fundraiser for his first run for Senate in 2012. Speakers described how Sen. Green could command a room with the raising of her eyebrow, and how much they admired her steadfast loyalty and resolve.

“From both sides of the aisle, Lyda was respected for her honesty, decorum, and conviction,” her family wrote. “Lyda will be remembered for engaging conversation, devotion to family, love of God, hospitality and welcoming nature, and fondness for sewing and gifting beautiful items.”

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