
Zelenskyy warns UN of more discoveries of alleged Russian atrocities in Ukraine



A supply tells Fox Information that the U.S. on Wednesday — in coordination with the G7 and the European union — will announce an “further sweeping package deal of sanctions measures that can impose important prices on Russia and ship it additional down the highway of financial, monetary, and technological isolation.’

“It will embody a ban on all new funding in Russia, elevated sanctions on monetary establishments and state owned enterprises in Russia, and sanctions on Russian authorities officers and their members of the family,” the supply mentioned. “These measures will degrade key devices of Russian state energy, impose acute and speedy financial hurt on Russia, and maintain accountable the Russian kleptocracy that funds and helps Putin’s conflict.”

Fox Information’ Patrick Ward contributed to this report.


Zelenskyy tells UN Russia needs to be tried for conflict crimes

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, whereas chatting with the United Nations Safety Council Tuesday, accused Russia of the worst conflict crimes since World Battle II.

He mentioned that the Russian military had tortured and killed civilians. “They killed whole households, adults and youngsters, and so they tried to burn the our bodies,” he mentioned whereas calling for these accountable to be tried for conflict crimes.

Graphic photographs showing to point out the atrocities Zelenskyy detailed in Bucha and different cities have led to a worldwide outcry.

Related Press journalists in Bucha have counted dozens of corpses in civilian garments and interviewed Ukrainians who instructed of witnessing atrocities. Additionally, high-resolution satellite tv for pc imagery from Maxar Applied sciences confirmed that most of the our bodies had been mendacity within the open for weeks, in the course of the time that Russian forces had been within the city.

The Related Press contributed to this report.


Gen. Milley points ‘stark warning’ about Russia-Ukraine conflict

Nationwide safety correspondent Jennifer Griffin has the most recent from the Pentagon on ‘Particular Report.’

U.S. to ship further $100M in Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine

America will ship a further $100 million price of Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine because the nation’s conflict with Russia continues, Fox Information has realized.

“Immediately, the Biden Administration licensed a further Presidential Drawdown of safety help valued at as much as a further $100 million to fulfill an pressing Ukrainian want for added Javelin anti-armor techniques, which the US has been offering to Ukraine and so they have been utilizing so successfully to defend their nation,” mentioned Secretary of State Antony Blinken.


“I’ve licensed, pursuant to a delegation from the President earlier as we speak, the speedy drawdown of safety help valued at as much as $100 million to fulfill Ukraine’s pressing want for added anti-armor techniques,” Blinken mentioned. “This authorization is the sixth drawdown of arms, tools, and provides from Division of Protection inventories for Ukraine since August 2021.”

Putin shall be hunted for all times: Polish official

Psaki reiterates it isn’t in America’s ‘curiosity’ to get in ‘a conflict with Russia’

White Home press secretary Jen Psaki reiterated Tuesday that it isn’t within the “curiosity” of the US to go to “conflict with Russia.”

Psaki’s remarks got here after she was requested by CBS Information reporter Steven Portnoy how the atrocities and pictures out of Ukraine don’t “compel” a army response led by the U.S. and its companions.


“I believe what the president’s goal is and his accountability is to make selections which might be within the curiosity of the US and the nationwide safety of the US and the American individuals,” Psaki mentioned. “And that’s not to go to conflict with Russia.”

“It’s to do every part in our energy to carry them accountable, to assist efforts by way of worldwide techniques to do precisely that, and to supply army help, safety help and assist to the Ukrainian individuals and the Ukrainian authorities. That is precisely what we’re doing.”

“It’s not in our curiosity or within the curiosity of the American individuals for us to be in a conflict with Russia,” she concluded.

State Division investigating stories of assault in Ukraine involving chemical substances

The U.S. State Division is investigating stories of an assault in Ukraine involving chemical substances.


Ukrainian officers have accused Russian army forces of hitting a storage tank full of nitric acid within the metropolis of Rubizhne, positioned within the Luhansk area.

“We’re conscious of stories of this incident, and are trying into it as we await additional particulars,” the State Division instructed Fox Information. “We’re involved concerning the hurt to anybody within the neighborhood {that a} nitric acid leak could trigger.  it’s clear Russia’s forces proceed to bombard cities and important infrastructure throughout Ukraine and commit horrible acts of violence.”

“Unclear as to the scope of the consequences and unclear at the moment if the strike was a part of a method to weaponize the saved chemical substances,” a senior US protection official instructed Fox Information. “However clearly that is trigger for concern and we’re monitoring.”

Moreover, a authorities professional tells Fox Information that “if the tank held fuming nitric acid and the intent was to launch the poisonous nitrogen dioxide fuel whose inhalation results are just like phosgene or chlorine, then it may be referred to as a Chemical Weapons occasion.”

President Biden has beforehand acknowledged that the US would reply to a chemical weapons assault.


Fox Information’ Gillian Turner and Jennifer Griffin contributed to this report.

Former Obama protection secretary calls on US to speed up support to cease Russia’s conflict

Former Protection Secretary Chuck Hagel instructed “America Stories” Tuesday the US must speed up support to Ukraine to defeat Russia as a result of the worldwide implications of Putin’s aggression prolong past the 2 opposing international locations.

“I believe essentially the most speedy factor that we are able to do, we’ve got to do, is we’ve got to cease this conflict,” Hagel mentioned. “And it can’t be seen as a victory in any approach for Putin. Which means the Ukrainians must go on the offensive and we have to assist them with that. We have to improve the weaponry, we have to improve every part that we’re doing, together with sanctions, harder, harder sanctions to actually strangle Putin.”


US calls out ‘credible stories’ of Putin’s forces herding Ukrainians to ‘filtration camps’

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations highlighted Tuesday what she deemed as “credible stories” about Russian forces abducting tens of hundreds of Ukrainian civilians, confiscating passports and interrogating individuals in so-called “filtration camps” after which forcibly relocating them to Russia.

The remarks from U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield got here after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, talking remotely from Ukraine, addressed the U.N. Safety Council. He referred to as for Russian troops to be introduced up on conflict crime prices for atrocities uncovered in Bucha and round Kyiv earlier than a tribunal just like the one arrange at Nuremberg after World Battle II .

“We have all seen the ugly pictures, lifeless our bodies mendacity within the streets, apparently summarily executed, their arms tied behind their backs,” Thomas-Greenfield mentioned, referring to pictures surfacing from the Bucha bloodbath after Russian forces pulled again from the capital area in current days.

For extra on this story: US calls out ‘credible stories’ of Putin’s forces herding Ukrainians to ‘filtration camps,’ then into Russia


Biden admin ‘cheerleading alongside’ with world, not main in opposition to Putin, says overseas coverage professional

Vice President of overseas coverage at Heritage Basis, James Carafano, criticized the Biden administration for its dealing with of Ukraine, accusing it of “cheerleading together with the remainder of the world” as tens of millions flee.

The retired Military lieutenant colonel argued “this type of management” will not be what the world wants as Putin’s brutal assault on Ukraine rages on.

Russia making ready offensive in southern, japanese Ukraine, officers say

Officers are warning that Russian forces are making ready an offensive in Ukraine’s southeast.

Whereas Ukraine has pushed again in opposition to Russian troops in current days – taking again territory, together with areas across the capital metropolis of Kyiv – the top of NATO warned that Russia is regrouping and plans to deploy troopers in japanese and southern Ukraine for a “essential section of the conflict.”


“Moscow will not be giving up its ambitions in Ukraine,” NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg mentioned Tuesday. “We anticipate an extra push within the japanese and southern Ukraine to attempt to take all the Donbas and to create a land bridge” to the Crimea Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014. Russia-backed separatists within the Donbas have been combating Ukrainian troops for the final eight years.

For extra on this story: Russia making ready offensive in southern, japanese Ukraine, officers say

Boris Johnson addresses Russians of their language, says ‘you deserve the info’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has launched a video message Tuesday to Russians through which he tells them that Vladimir Putin is being accused of conflict crimes.

“The Russian individuals deserve the reality, you deserve the info,” Johnson mentioned in Russian, later including that “your president stands accused of committing conflict crimes.”


“The atrocities dedicated by Russian troops in Bucha, Irpin and elsewhere in Ukraine have horrified the world,” Johnson additionally mentioned. 

“All you want is VPN connection to entry impartial data from wherever on this planet. And if you discover the reality, share it,” he added. “These accountable shall be held to account.”

Russia repeats doubtful Bucha claims in entrance of UN, says it isn’t concentrating on Ukrainian civilians

Vasily Nebenzya, the Everlasting Consultant of Russia to the United Nations, claimed to the Safety Council Tuesday that stories of alleged atrocities carried out by the Russian army in locations like Bucha are “blatant criminally-staged occasions with Ukrainian civilians who had been killed by their very own radicals.” 

In a message to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Nebenzya mentioned “it seems that we shouldn’t have withdrawn, I’m speaking about Bucha initially.  


“I perceive that you simply noticed corpses and heard testimonials however you solely noticed what they confirmed you,” he continued. “You couldn’t ignore the flagrant inconsistencies within the model of occasions that are being promoted by Ukrainian and western media.” 

Nebenzya additionally mentioned in his message to Zelenskyy that “I actually hope that you can see an answer to the scenario as a result of it relies upon solely on you.” 

He mentioned Russia “got here to Ukraine to not conquer lands, we got here to carry the long-awaited peace to the blood-soaked land of Donbas.  

“Not a truce, however a real, lasting peace and for this we have to root out the cruelty which I discussed. We have to reduce out the malignant Nazi tumor that’s consuming Ukraine and would in time start to devour Russia,” he additionally mentioned. “And we’ll obtain that aim I hope sooner fairly than later as a result of there is no such thing as a different end result.” 

Nebenzya additionally claimed that the Russian army is “not capturing civilian targets as a way to save as many civilians as doable — that is exactly why we’re not advancing as quick as many anticipated.  


“We aren’t performing like Individuals and their allies in Iraq and Syria, razing whole cities to the bottom,” he mentioned. “That they had no pity for them however we felt nice pity as a result of these are people who find themselves near us.” 

Zelenskyy: UN Safety Council should act on Russia or dissolve itself

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the U.N. Safety Council on Tuesday that “we want selections from the Safety Council for peace in Ukraine.  

“If you happen to don’t know how one can make this determination, you are able to do two issues, both take away Russia as an aggressor and a supply of conflict so it can’t block selections about its personal aggression and its personal conflict. After which do every part that we are able to do to determine peace,” he mentioned. “Or the opposite choice is to point out how we are able to reform or change and work for peace.” 

“If there is no such thing as a various, the following choice could be to dissolve your self altogether if there’s nothing that you are able to do moreover dialog,” Zelenskyy added. 


Zelenskyy requires international convention to ‘reform the world safety system’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy mentioned Tuesday that he’s proposing a future convention in Kyiv “as a way to decide how we are able to reform the world safety system, how can we set up assure of recognition of borders and integrity of states and international locations, how we’ll assert the rule of worldwide regulation.” 

“We should do every part in our energy to go onto the following era an efficient U.N. with the power to reply preventively to safety challenges and thus assure peace, forestall aggression and pressure aggressors to peace,” he additionally mentioned.  

Zelenskyy warns UN of extra discoveries of alleged Russian atrocities in Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the U.N. Safety Council that “the bloodbath in our metropolis of Bucha is just one – sadly – of many examples of what the occupiers have been doing on our land for the previous 41 days. And there are lots of extra cities, comparable locations, the place the world has but to be taught the total fact.” 


“They are going to blame everybody simply to justify their very own actions, they are going to say that there are numerous totally different variations and it’s unimaginable to determine which a type of variations is fact,” he added. “They are going to even say that the our bodies of these killed had been allegedly thrown away… however it’s 2022 and now we’ve got conclusive proof, there are satellite tv for pc photographs.” 

Zelenskyy particulars graphic scenes from Bucha

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the U.N. Safety Council on Tuesday after visiting Bucha that the Russian army “killed whole households – adults and youngsters – and so they tried to burn the our bodies.” 

“Civilians had been crushed by tanks whereas sitting of their automobiles in the midst of the highway, only for their pleasure,” he continued. “They reduce limbs, slashed their throats, girls had been raped and killed in entrance of their youngsters.” 

“Their tongues had been pulled out solely as a result of the aggressor didn’t hear what they wished to listen to from them,” Zelenskyy additionally mentioned. “That is no totally different from different terrorists reminiscent of ISIS and right here it’s accomplished by a member of the United Nation’s Safety Council.” 


UN chief: ‘It’s extra pressing by the day to silence the weapons’

U.N. Secretary-Common Antonio Guterres instructed the Safety Council on Tuesday that the continued conflict in Ukraine has “led to a mindless lack of life, huge devastation in city facilities, and the destruction of civilian infrastructure.

“I’ll always remember the horrifying photographs of civilians killed in Bucha, and I instantly referred to as for an impartial investigation to ensure efficient accountability,” he mentioned. “And I am additionally deeply shocked by the non-public testimony of rapes and sexual violence that now are rising.”

Guterres mentioned the conflict additionally “has disrupted provide chains and elevated the price of transportation, placing much more stress on the creating world. 

“Many creating international locations are already on the verge of that collapse because of the impression of the Covid-19 pandemic and the dearth of sufficient liquidity and debt reduction stemming finally from the unfair nature of our international financial and monetary system,” he added. “For all these causes, it’s extra pressing by the day to silence the weapons.”


Ukrainian President Zelenskyy addresses the UN Safety Council

Click on right here to look at on Fox Information.

Blinken accuses Russia of ‘deliberate marketing campaign’ to kill, torture, rape civilians

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken mentioned Tuesday that the world is now seeing the horror that has been left behind in locations like Bucha following the withdrawal of Russian troops there.

Blinken mentioned Russia is operating a “deliberate marketing campaign to kill, to torture, to rape, to commit atrocities.”


Extra pictures from Ukraine-Russia conflict bloodbath in Bucha, devastation in Mariupol

Extra disturbing pictures are surfacing displaying the bloodbath of civilians in and round Bucha, exterior the capital of Kyiv, Ukraine, as Russian forces are reportedly regrouping within the southeast to resume their offensive in opposition to the already badly bombarded Mariupol, in addition to the breakaway Donetsk and Luhansk areas. 

In an in a single day deal with, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy mentioned greater than 300 individuals had been tortured and killed in Bucha, as satellite tv for pc imagery appeared to again up Ukrainian claims about Russian troopers capturing and killing civilians left mendacity within the streets and outdoors houses. 

The Kremlin has claimed that the our bodies had been staged after Russian troopers pulled again from the capital area, allegations Ukraine and the West say is misinformation meant to displace blame for such conflict crimes. 

For extra on this story: Extra pictures from Ukraine-Russia conflict bloodbath in Bucha, devastation in Mariupol


Kremlin responds to mass expulsions of Russian diplomats from Europe

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov mentioned Tuesday that the mass expulsions of Russian diplomats and intelligence officers from European international locations is “short-sighted” and can result in “reciprocal steps” from Moscow.

His feedback got here as Spain turned the most recent European nation to inform Russian officers to go away, with Spanish International Minister José Manuel Albares asserting that at the least 25 diplomats and workers on the Russian Embassy in Madrid are being expelled. Germany, France, Italy, Denmark and Sweden are the opposite international locations to have dismissed Russian diplomats and officers since Monday.

Peskov mentioned that “we view negatively, we view with remorse this narrowing of potentialities for diplomatic communication, diplomatic work in such tough situations, in unprecedent disaster situations.”

He added that “it’s short-sighted and a step which firstly will complicate our communication, which is required as a way to search reconciliation. And secondly it is going to inevitably result in reciprocal steps.”


The Related Press contributed to this report.

NYC councilwoman on the necessity to assist Ukraine: ‘Offering extra weapons is completely needed’

Ukrainian-born NYC Councilwoman Inna Vernikov speaks about the necessity to present larger army assist to Ukraine and the way social media censorship has made it laborious for her to share her marketing campaign messaging.

Kyiv mayor: Any fee to Russia is ‘bloody cash’

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko is urging European international locations Tuesday to sever financial ties with Moscow, saying “each Euro, each cent that you simply obtain from Russia or that you simply ship to Russia has blood, it’s bloody cash and the blood of this cash is Ukrainian blood, the blood of Ukrainian individuals,” in accordance with Reuters.


“Are you for peace and assist Ukraine or do you assist the aggressors, Russia?” he reportedly added.

Ukrainian governor warns residents to take shelter after acid tank is hit

Serhiy Haidai, the governor of japanese Ukraine’s Luhansk area
, mentioned Tuesday that residents there ought to keep inside, shut home windows and doorways and put together moist face masks after a Russian airstrike hit a tank containing nitric acid.

In a Telegram put up, Haidai mentioned the incident occurred close to the town of Rubizhne, which the Ukrainian army says the Russians have been making an attempt to take over. He didn’t specify what space the warning applies to.

Haidai warned that nitric acid “is harmful if inhaled, swallowed and involved with pores and skin and mucous membranes.” 


The Russian Ministry of Protection denied its troops had been concerned within the blast, suggesting Ukraine’s army blew it up themselves upfront of surrendering the town.

“The provocation was more than likely ready for a very long time as a way to carry it out proper earlier than the retreat,” it claimed in a Telegram put up.

The Related Press contributed to this report.

Italy, Sweden, Denmark expel Russian diplomats and intelligence officers

Extra European international locations are expelling Russian officers after France and Germany kicked out dozens on Monday.


Italy’s overseas ministry mentioned Tuesday that it is expelling 30 Russian diplomats, whereas Denmark’s International Ministry says the nation is expelling 15 Russian intelligence officers who labored at Russia’s Embassy in Copenhagen.

The officers have two weeks to go away Denmark. International Minister Jeppe Kofod mentioned “they pose a danger to our nationwide safety that we can’t ignore.”

Sweden’s overseas minister additionally mentioned Tuesday that they nation is expelling three Russian diplomats.

The Related Press contributed to this report.


Photograph reveals devastating results of the conflict in Ukraine

Vlad Tanyuk, 6, was photographed by the Related Press on Monday standing within the courtyard of his home exterior of Kyiv subsequent to the grave of his mom, Ira, who reportedly died from hunger and stress.

EU to think about new sanctions on Russia as leaders set for Kyiv go to: report

The European Fee on Tuesday will suggest to the European Union new sanctions on Moscow, together with bans on imports of Russian coal, chemical substances, rubber and numerous different merchandise price as much as $9.8 billion yearly, a supply instructed Reuters.

The event comes after the EU introduced that European Fee President Ursula von der Leyen and EU overseas coverage chief Josep Borrell will go to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv this week.


Ukraine’s army has retaken ‘key terrain’ in nation’s north, UK says

The UK’s Ministry of Defence mentioned Tuesday that “Ukrainian forces have retaken key terrain within the north of Ukraine, after denying Russia the power to safe its targets and forcing Russian forces to retreat from the areas round Chernihiv and North of Kyiv.”

“Many Russian items withdrawing from northern Ukraine are more likely to require important re-equipping and refurbishment earlier than being accessible to redeploy for operations in japanese Ukraine,” it added.

The Ministry additionally mentioned “low-level combating is more likely to proceed in some components of the newly recaptured areas, however diminish considerably over this week as the rest of Russian forces withdraw.”

Humanitarian corridors to open in Mariupol: Deputy PM

Seven humanitarian corridors shall be opened in Mariupol, Ukraine, Tuesday to evacuate among the metropolis’s 130,000 remaining residents, lots of whom have been residing with out meals, water or shelter, amid Russian army assaults, a senior Ukrainian official mentioned.


The seven corridors will enable the residents to be transported to Zaporizhia (about 140 miles northwest of Mariupol), Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk mentioned on Telegram.

“Regardless of the guarantees of its management, the occupying forces don’t enable anybody to journey to Mariupol,” she mentioned within the put up.

“The [Russian] occupiers blocked the representatives of the Worldwide Committee of the Purple Cross in Manhush,” she added, noting that further evacuation routes have been deliberate for Manhush, by way of bus to the port metropolis of Berdyansk, which can then journey to Zaporizhia.

Learn extra right here: Seven humanitarian corridors have opened to evacuate Mariupol residents: Deputy PM


Ukrainian army reveals devastation left behind by Russia’s invasion: video

Russia’s army losses as of April 5: report

165 youngsters have been killed: Ukrainian International Ministry

Extra civilian our bodies present in Sumy, proof of torture: report

Sumy Oblast Governor Dmytro Zhyvytskyy mentioned at the least three civilian our bodies had been discovered as Ukrainian troops retook the Sumy Oblast. The our bodies had proof of being tortured, he mentioned.

“Immediately was a really busy day, nevertheless it was a day of conflict,” Zhyvytskyy mentioned. “We proceed to scrub our land from the remnants of waste.”


“Thanks to our protection, the Armed Forces, volunteers and docs, to each resident of Sumy area who’s engaged on the restoration of our area, we’re working!” he added.

Ukraine: Russia thought that will win, however we ‘gave them a ticket to hell.’

Translation: “They killed our pity, however we gave start to rage. These Russian executioners dreamed of coming house victorious, with baggage of looted ‘items’ and tales of how they mocked our individuals.”

“Nevertheless, the SSO of Ukraine got here to them first. And we gave them a ticket to hell.”


Air sirens ring out throughout Ukraine: report

Germany pledges to expel Russian diplomats after Bucha bloodbath

Germany will expel a “important quantity” of Russian diplomats after the Bucha bloodbath, German International Minister Annalena Baerbock introduced on Monday.

“The photographs from Bucha bear witness to the unbelievable brutality of the Russian management and of those that comply with its propaganda, to a will to annihilate that transcends all borders,” Baerbock mentioned.

“The federal authorities has subsequently determined as we speak to declare a big variety of members of the Russian Embassy as undesirables, who’ve labored day by day in opposition to our freedom and in opposition to the cohesion of our society right here in Germany.”

She additionally introduced that Germany is working with different European international locations to tighten current sanctions in opposition to Russia.


France expelling ‘many’ Russian diplomats following Bucha bloodbath

France is expelling “many” Russian diplomats following a bloodbath within the Ukrainian city of Bucha.

“France has determined this night to expel many Russian personnel posted in France beneath diplomatic standing, whose actions are counter to our safety pursuits,” learn a Monday assertion from the Ministry for Europe and International Affairs.

“This motion is a part of a European motion. Our first accountability is at all times to make sure the safety of French and European residents,” the assertion continued.

Roughly 35 diplomats shall be expelled from the nation following the announcement, in accordance with Agence France-Presse.


Earlier on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron referred to as for added sanctions on Russia, in accordance with a report. White Home nationwide safety adviser Jake Sullivan later introduced that the U.S. shall be working with its allies to impose additional sanctions.

Zelenskyy slated to deal with UN Safety Council following Bucha bloodbath

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is slated to deal with the United Nations (UN) Safety Council assembly Tuesday concerning the newest alleged atrocities by Russian forces in opposition to his nation.

The official Twitter account of the UK’s delegation to the UN introduced the upcoming speech, tweeting, “The UK Presidency of the Council will guarantee the reality is heard about Russia’s conflict crimes. We are going to expose Putin’s conflict for what it truly is.”

The announcement comes after Zelenskyy visited Bucha, the place Russian forces allegedly left the useless our bodies of civilians within the streets, in accordance with satellite tv for pc imagery.


Ukrainian officers mentioned the our bodies of 410 civilians had been present in Kyiv-area cities and cities that had been lately retaken from Russian forces. In Bucha, greater than 100 civilians had been discovered buried in mass graves.

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