Washington, D.C

Washington, D.C. to Overhaul Criminal Code Despite Mayor’s Objections, Council Member Says



A Washington, D.C. council member says officers plan to push by an overhaul of the district’s prison code regardless of a veto issued Wednesday by Mayor Muriel Bowser, who stated the proposed adjustments would weaken public security at a time of heightened concern about crime.

Council member Charles Allen, who led the public-safety committee when the district council handed the overhaul invoice in November, indicated that the council would vote to override the veto. The physique’s subsequent legislative assembly is scheduled for Feb. 7, however a consultant for Mr. Allen stated it’s doable a gathering may occur sooner. 

The measure would remove necessary minimal sentences for all crimes aside from first-degree homicide. It will additionally grant the fitting to a jury trial to folks charged with misdemeanors and going through jail time. One other provision would scale back the utmost prison penalties for crimes similar to carjacking and theft.

Proponents say the adjustments would modernize and streamline an outdated code relationship to 1901. It incorporates the suggestions of an unbiased fee that spent 15 years reviewing the code, the proponents say. Beneath the district’s residence rule constitution, Congress opinions all native laws earlier than it turns into regulation.


Ms. Bowser, a Democrat who this week began her third time period as mayor, stated she helps updating the code however lodged a number of objections to the council-passed invoice. 

The overhaul wouldn’t take impact for a number of years, however Ms. Bowser stated she and others, together with Police Chief Robert Contee, suppose that timeline is “completely inadequate for a system-wide reform of this magnitude.”

“This invoice doesn’t make us safer,” Ms. Bowser stated in a veto memo.

Mr. Allen described the District of Columbia prison code as one of many worst within the U.S. “A veto sends a message to maintain the established order—one which has clearly proven it doesn’t maintain us protected—and it isn’t the fitting resolution for the second we face,” he stated in an announcement.

Among the many invoice’s parts the mayor objected to is a proposed discount within the most sentences for theft, carjacking and home-invasion housebreaking. “The upper penalties aren’t handed down for a lot of offenders,” she wrote within the letter explaining her veto, “however they’re at the moment out there to judges for repeat violent offenders committing essentially the most heinous variations of those crimes.”


The mayor’s veto got here days after the nation’s capital recorded greater than 200 murders for the second straight yr, though the 2022 tally mirrored a ten% drop from 2021. Total, violent crime fell by 7% final yr, police division figures present, and property crime additionally fell, although the three,761 automotive thefts in 2022 marked an 8% enhance.

Write to Scott Calvert at scott.calvert@wsj.com

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