
Rep. David Kustoff visits West Tennessee – WBBJ TV



HENDERSON, Tenn. — Congressman David Kustoff, representing the majority of West Tennessee, has dedicated this week to engaging with the local area.

Congressman Kustoff has already visited several counties, including Hardin, Henderson, Shelby, and Madison. He finds it crucial to connect with his constituents and engage in discussions.

“Representing the Eighth Congressional District and twenty counties in West Tennessee means doing a couple of things. One is to discuss legislative and issue matters happening in Washington. But it’s also essential to lend an ear. What’s on their minds, what concerns them, what thoughts do they have,” Kustoff said.

During these dialogues across West Tennessee, the situation involving Hunter Biden has been a topic of concern for people. Congressman Kustoff expressed how people perceive unfair treatment towards Hunter Biden and even President Biden. They seek clarity on all facts. As a legislator, Kustoff emphasizes the importance of maintaining public confidence in the fairness of the governmental system.


Congressman Kustoff proceeded to Freed-Hardeman University to engage with local bank representatives, students, and educators.

When asked about the benefits of these meetings, he underscored his understanding of how specific legislation directly benefits individuals and his continual learning process.

“While these topics can be intricate, they impact real lives. So, I work on legislation that I believe will be beneficial. Afterward, I often hear from someone about how it genuinely affected their life,” Kustoff said.

Congressman Kustoff carries the insights gained during these visits back to Washington, influencing his legislative decisions.

He has further destinations planned during his time in West Tennessee.


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