
Letters: Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn breaks China in ridiculous display of ignorance



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Blackburn’s ‘break China’ commercials mystifying

I find Marsha Blackburn’s current ad called “Breaking China” disgusting and racist. As she breaks her dishes, she makes several statements of hate.


First of all, is she talking about Chinese people or the countries of Taiwan or mainland China? Does she know the difference? By the way, Taiwan is an ally of ours, and it produces most of our computer chips.

She says China stole our jobs. Let me remind her that American businesses consciously offshored (not just to one Asian country) their manufacturing, seeking lower wages and less environmental concerns. This move was a strategic move to increase profits regardless of patriotic concerns. So, why is she saying just China?

China turned loose the virus on the USA? Actually, it was the world, but don’t let that get in the way of a political argument. I want proof, which would be impossible because she doesn’t know. Opinion is not fact.

Finally, she says we must break China, the world’s largest goods manufacturer. She makes it sound so simple, but it is a ridiculous statement. Hint: The USA is not the only trading partner between the Chinese. Buy American if you don’t want Chinese goods, and do not add fire to our adversarial relationship.


James Allen, Dickson 37055

Blame USA policy for wanting cheap goods and labor

 I have to laugh somewhat when I see Marsha’s political ad on TV lately, smashing plates labeled China. Any fool who knows history of the U.S. knows that the jobs lost have been since the 1970s when the fat cats in business ( especially down south where many jobs went because of lower wages) wanted profits to go higher so sent jobs to Taiwan, Japan, Korea and China.

Union workers lost out to cheap labor. Republicans had been in the leadership in the House and the Senate during some of this time no matter who was president. So, Marsha , look into the mirror for the blame. Enough said!

Richard Smith, Spring Hill 37174


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