
Oklahoma Civil Air Patrol Cadets Meet With Members Of Congress



College students are among the many many U.S. residents who go to Washington annually to satisfy with their representatives in Congress and make their case for some type of assist. And like two Oklahoma college students who have been within the Capitol Thursday, they’re potential leaders of the longer term.

Melia Chandler and Chloe Shannon are cadets within the Civil Air Patrol’s Oklahoma Wing. Each are from the Tulsa space and each have been initially inspired to affix by their dad and mom.

Shannon, a scholar at Union Excessive Faculty, comes from a navy household and joined eagerly.

“I simply fell in love with this system as an entire,” Cadet Shannon stated in an interview Thursday. “I like the aviation, I like the management, I like the camaraderie.”


Cadet Chandler, who’s home-schooled, was resistant at first.

“However after my first official assembly,” Chandler stated in an interview, “I ended up falling in love, after which right here I’m.

Chandler and Shannon are each a part of the Riverside Composite Squadron, one among 15 CAP squadrons in Oklahoma.

“Their unit commanders nominate an excellent cadet, or cadets,” stated Lt. Col. David McCollum, chief of employees of CAP’s Oklahoma Wing.

McCollum defined that he and the Oklahoma Wing commander then conduct interviews to resolve who to convey alongside to Civil Air Patrol’s Nationwide Legislative Day in Washington to satisfy with the state’s congressional delegation.


“We educate [the lawmakers] on what’s occurred in Oklahoma throughout the previous fiscal 12 months and what’s deliberate, what’s upcoming,” stated Lt. Col. McCollum, “and by bringing the cadets, it offers them an opportunity to see among the youth of Oklahoma, and see what they’re doing.”

On this temporary journey, Chandler’s first to Washington, she and Shannon did lots — walked the Nationwide Mall, visited the conflict memorials, and laid a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Nationwide Cemetery.

And, in fact, they made the rounds on the Capitol.

“I’ve actually loved simply having the ability to discuss to individuals who signify our state,” stated Chandler, “and it’s been actually enjoyable to have the ability to educate them on Civil Air Patrol.”

Civil Air Patrol has three major missions — offering emergency companies like inland search and rescue, offering aerospace training, and the cadet program.


“It’s actually had an influence,” stated Cadet Shannon,”and I can say it’s modified me completely. I’ve grown a lot from it and discovered a lot from this program.”

“We try to encourage our cadets to go on to both an aviation associated profession, attainable navy profession,” stated McCollum, “and if not, then one thing science or expertise associated.”

And with Cadets Chandler and Shannon, it will seem like ‘mission achieved’. Shannon stated she desires to be a health care provider, seemingly serving within the navy, whereas Chandler stated she desires to sometime work in aviation upkeep.

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