North Carolina

Six Raleigh, N.C., Police Officers Put on Leave After In-Custody Death



The Raleigh, N.C., police division positioned six officers on administrative depart in reference to the January arrest of a Black man who died in police custody after officers used a Taser on him, in line with a memo and body-camera footage launched by the division.

Darryl Tyree Williams, 32 years previous, was approached by police whereas in a parked automobile with a passenger late at evening, in line with a memo with a preliminary report of the incident written by Raleigh Police Chief Estella D. Patterson to Raleigh Metropolis Supervisor Marchell Adams-David that was reviewed by The Wall Road Journal. Physique-camera footage reveals that whereas detained and struggling with police, he advised them he had coronary heart issues. After officers used a Taser on him not less than thrice, he grew to become unresponsive and was pronounced useless at a hospital later that evening, in line with the memo.

The Raleigh Police Division is conducting two investigations into the incident, one into the actions of officers concerned within the arrest and one other into Mr. Williams’s actions, in line with the memo. Individually, the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation is conducting an impartial felony investigation and can current its findings to the Wake County district lawyer, the memo stated.

The incident and subsequent placement of officers on depart comes within the wake of the January dying of Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man, throughout an encounter with Memphis police after a visitors cease—a case that drew nationwide consideration. 5 officers concerned in that case have been fired and charged with second-degree homicide following an inner investigation.


The Raleigh Police Protecting Affiliation, the police union, and the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation didn’t reply to requests for remark. Efforts to achieve the officers on depart have been unsuccessful.

Within the incident involving Mr. Williams, Officers C.D. Robinson and J.T. Thomas have been conducting “proactive patrols” of companies in an space of Raleigh with a historical past of drug and weapons violations just a little earlier than 2 a.m. on Jan. 17, in line with the division memo. The time period proactive patrols describes efforts by police to stop crimes earlier than they occur by canvassing neighborhoods relatively than responding to incidents after they’ve occurred. Officer Robinson approached a parked car by which Mr. Williams occupied the driving force’s seat, joined by a passenger beside him.

Officer Robinson stated he noticed marijuana and a container of alcohol within the automobile and requested the occupants to get out, as different officers approached to help, in line with the memo. With Mr. Williams standing outdoors the automobile, Officer Robinson searched him.

“We’re not doing nothing,” Mr. Williams stated within the body-camera footage reviewed by the Journal.

“Maintain each of your fingers on the automobile,” Officer Robinson stated within the body-camera footage. “When you can’t hearken to my directions, I’m going to place you in handcuffs. I’m not making an attempt to place you in handcuffs.”


Shortly after, Officer Robinson pulled a folded greenback invoice out of Mr. Williams’s pocket that contained a white powdery substance, seen on the body-camera video. Primarily based on that discovering, the officer determined to arrest him for possession of a managed substance, the memo stated.

“What’s occurring?” Mr. Williams stated within the footage. “Why?”

The scene then turned tense, as Officer Robinson advised Mr. Williams to place his fingers behind his again and different officers joined and sought to subdue him, the footage reveals. They ordered him to get on the bottom whereas they scuffled with him.

Officer Robinson then used a Taser on Mr. Williams, inflicting him to fall to the bottom, the footage reveals. Different officers ordered him to place his fingers behind his again. Mr. Williams broke free and ran throughout a parking zone earlier than falling to the bottom once more. Officers caught as much as him and struggled with him as they sought to handcuff him.

Over the course of fifty seconds, officers used a Taser on Mr. Williams twice extra in “drive stun mode,” which means that the Taser was in direct contact together with his physique, in line with the memo. One Taser made contact with Mr. Williams’s facet, and the opposite together with his again, the memo stated. After the primary one, Mr. Williams will be heard on the video saying, “I’ve coronary heart issues.”


After officers handcuffed him, they known as for emergency medical personnel, in line with the memo. Whereas they waited for responders to reach, police noticed that Mr. Williams was unresponsive, not respiratory and with no pulse, the memo stated. They carried out CPR on him till first responders arrived and took over resuscitation efforts.

Mr. Williams was later taken to a hospital the place he was pronounced useless at 3:01 a.m. The reason for dying, together with toxicology outcomes, are a part of persevering with investigations, in line with the memo.

A search of Mr. Williams’s automobile turned up two firearms, one in all which had beforehand been reported stolen, in addition to marijuana and suspected managed substances, the memo stated. Below division coverage, Officers Robinson and Thomas in addition to 4 others concerned within the incident—D.L. Aquino, J.R. Scott, D.L. Grande and B.L. Ramge—have been positioned on administrative depart, in line with the memo. A spokeswoman for Raleigh police stated she didn’t know whether or not the officers have authorized illustration and the police union didn’t reply to a query about whether or not they do.

Emancipate NC, a nonprofit that advocates on criminal-justice points and is advising Mr. Williams’s household, stated the household was demanding justice, in line with an announcement by Daybreak Blagrove, govt director of the group. The group stated the household and different activists have been calling for the officers concerned to be fired and for proactive patrols to finish, amongst different measures.

“Now’s the time for the town of Raleigh and all of America to reckon with the trauma and hurt that policing causes to Black, Brown and marginalized communities,” the assertion learn.


Write to Arian Campo-Flores at

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