
Mississippi Power storm team heading to Houston for Hurricane Beryl recovery



GULFPORT, Miss. (WLOX) – Mississippi Power sent more than 160 crew members and support personnel Tuesday to Texas.

Rusty White with Mississippi Power said sending crews to impacted areas not only helps people in need, it also better prepares the company’s crews for future storms.

Linemen, support personnel, and other crew members are heading to the Houston area Tuesday morning.

“We feel like these storm trips are part of what we do in hurricane season. They keep our team storm tested, well versed, and ready to serve our customers back here at home when it’s our turn to have restoration,” White said.

The storm team is assisting Texas utilities to restore electric service after Hurricane Beryl made landfall on Monday.


“Our team is eager to help our neighbors in Texas because we know what it’s like to be in their position,” said Mississippi Power Storm Director Stephen Schruff. “Assisting these restoration efforts also keeps us storm-tested and ready in the event our customers are impacted by future storms.”

Mississippi Power is part of a mutual assistance program. Its storm team helps to serve impacted areas across the country.

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