
Kemp Martin launches Roadmap to Restore Public Integrity | DeSoto County News



Credit: Greta Kemp Martin campaign

Addressing the ever-growing citizen concern about Mississippi’s government corruption scandals, Greta Kemp Martin, Democratic candidate for Attorney General, has launched her Roadmap to Restoring Public Integrity.

Kemp Martin is challenging current Attorney General Lynn Fitch in the November general election.

“Campaigning around the state over the last six months, and even before I became a candidate, I have heard from many Mississippians about what they need from their elected officials: ethical, honest, open government. As your next Attorney General, I will bring our state back on track to work for all Mississippians,” Kemp Martin announced. “From the theft of nearly $100 million of taxpayer money, to demanding access to citizens’ private medical records, to disregarding families begging for justice for their brutalized sons, my opponent has lost the trust of everyday Mississippians.”


Public Corruption is the first stop for Kemp Martin’s Roadmap. Mississippi’s elected officials have been embroiled in a four-year, $100 million scandal of stolen public funds. Still, very few people have been held accountable and little money has been returned to the state. Earlier this year, investigations by Tim Kalich found that the Attorney General has also failed to collect another $5.6 million in misspent or stolen taxpayer money. 

“No one is above the law, especially politicians and those who are supposed to serve the public with integrity,” Kemp Martin said. “It is the responsibility of the Attorney General’s office to investigate, prosecute, and recover stolen money.”

Kemp Martin’s plan also focuses on investigating and prosecuting campaign finance violations. “If the public can’t trust the electoral process, how can they trust the people they elect?” Kemp Martin asked. “My opponent’s own party has pointed out her lack of concern for campaign finance violations.”

Other issues Kemp Martin plans to tackle are the investigation and prosecution of elder and vulnerable abuse, ensuring the protection and empowerment of women, protecting voting rights, protecting and improving access to health care, transparency within the Attorney General’s office, and support of law enforcement. 

“Law enforcement officers need the tools and resources to do their jobs effectively, including programs such as crisis intervention training,” Kemp Martin said. “There is currently no hub of information and training for serving officers. That was once a big service of the attorney general. The AG’s office should help keep officers up-to-date on the best, most sensible methods of stopping violence against Mississippians. And, if officers abuse their positions or violate the public’s trust, those claims should be promptly investigated. Once again, as the daughter of a police officer, it hits home with me when officers are disrespected or ridiculed as well as when officers abuse the public trust or endanger law-abiding citizens.” 


At the AFL-CIO/CWA headquarters last week, Kemp Martin announced her first of several new initiatives to create a Division of Fair Labor, focusing on issues such as child labor, equal pay, wage theft and discrimination, and family medical leave.

“As one of the few states left in our country without a Department of Labor, it is past time Mississippi workers have an advocate for their interests among their elected officials,” Kemp Martin said at her press conference. “A Department of Fair Labor at the state level will play a crucial role in safeguarding workers’ rights, promoting fair employment practices, ensuring workplace safety, and contributing to the state’s overall economic health. It will serve as a bridge between workers, employers, and government, fostering a balanced and productive labor environment.”

Other new initiatives include a conviction integrity unit, job court diversion programs, a civil rights division, and the establishment of regional offices. 

“All of this work done by the Mississippi Attorney General’s office should be transparent,” Kemp Martin said. “As your next Attorney General, I commit to ensuring the public knows where your taxpayer dollars are going in this office.”

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