
Denied an abortion, she raised a child: One Mississippi mom shares her story



“People want to attack you and assume you don’t love your child,” says Roberts, who is sharing her story only with permission and encouragement from her daughter, who is now a young adult.

“How dare you? I love my child to the ends of the earth. That doesn’t make what happened any less unfair.”

Twenty-eight million women and girls of reproductive age in the U.S. now live in a state where it’s difficult or impossible to have an abortion.

For many of them, the loss of abortion rights has left them in a place Roberts knows all too well: With a baby they weren’t ready to care for.


“Research suggests that tens of thousands of people are being forced to carry their pregnancy to term,” Noreen Farrell, executive director of Equal Rights Advocates, a non-profit gender justice organization that supports abortion rights, tells TODAY.com.

‘I didn’t want to leave my kids without a mom’

In 1997, Roberts was living with her mom and surviving off tips as a service industry worker. She barely had enough money to afford a pregnancy test.

“I was also facing the prospect of having my third C-section in five years,” she says. “My doctor explicitly told me: ‘You could die.’

“I didn’t want to leave my kids without a mom.”

Her fear of dying in childbirth was not unfounded. In 1997, Mississipi had one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country, and the state continues to be one of the most dangerous for mothers giving birth.


Experts who study demographics and public health say forcing people to carry unwanted pregnancies will cause an increase in the U.S. maternal mortality rate — already the highest of any developed nation, according the the CDC.

“It’s estimated that US maternal deaths will increase by 24%,” Farrell says. “For Black women, deaths could rise by as much as 39%.” 

When Laurie Bertram Roberts was denied an abortion, she was facing her third C-section in five years.Courtesy Laurie Bertram Roberts

After she was denied an abortion, Roberts says she was thrown into a “mental health crisis,” living two lives — she was doing what a pregnant person is “supposed to do” to ensure a fetus is healthy, while hoping and sometimes trying to end her pregnancy on her own.

“I had this dual reality that I was living in, where was going to my prenatal appointments but I was also throwing myself down the stairs, ” Roberts said. “I rode a bunch of rides at the fair that you can’t ride if you’re pregnant … it didn’t do anything.”


Roberts says she had been “anti-choice my whole life,” so being denied abortion care was a shock.

“I prayed and cried and prayed and cried (in order) to be OK with my decision,” she says. “Getting the money together … only to be told that my last hope for making the best choice for my family was gone? I was so worried for my kids.”

‘I don’t have a flowery story for you’

Before Roberts found out she was pregnant, she had obtained her GED and started taking college courses. She had a plan for her life.

As her pregnancy progressed, she dropped out of school in order to look for jobs to support her two children.

Then, at seven months, she was put on bedrest and could no longer work.


Behind on bills, she ended up homeless and lived out of a hotel room for over a year.

“It makes the ground underneath you shift,” Roberts said of being forced to stay pregnant. “It makes you choose different things … even the abusive relationship I chose to stay in … I needed a house. I needed stability … I was a sex worker. I was a stripper.”

“I deserved to be able to choose to have my child when it was safe and right for me,” Laurie Bertram Roberts says.Courtesy Laurie Bertram Roberts

Roberts wasn’t financially able to go back to school until she was 25. It took her longer, she says, to get out of abusive relationships that gave her some semblance of financial security.

“Sometimes you have to work with the options that you have,” she adds. “I don’t have a flowery story for you.”

According to a study of 1,000 women in 21 states over 10 years conducted by the University of California, San Francisco, when a person is denied an abortion they’re more likely to live in poverty, have a higher risk of experiencing adverse mental health conditions, and are more likely to stay in unhealthy relationships.

“We know that the economic consequences will have impacts for generations,” Farrell says.


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