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Hyundai Air & Sea Show military outreach highlights service members



Hyundai Air & Sea Show highlights those who served


Hyundai Air & Sea Show highlights those who served



MIAMI BEACH — You’ll see Sergeant First Class Scott Evans snapping shots of soldiers showing off the military machines. 

“We’re bringing America’s army to America,” Evans said.  

His service reminds him of his brother David, who died while on a tour in the Vietnam War, six years before he was born.

“His son was actually born five days later,” Evans said. “So, I have a nephew in Connecticut who never got to meet his dad because he was killed.” 

As he remembers his brother on Memorial Day weekend, his country has found ways to say thank you. 


“He was of the first graduating class of Lincoln High School in Rhode Island,” Evans said. “And today the park across from the high school is dedicated in his name.” 

“I go to Washington, D.C. pretty frequently,” he added Very often I’ll go to the Vietnam wall and I’ll see his name there.” 

His brother’s bravery is one of the reasons why he enlisted. Serving runs in the family — his grandfather served in World War Two. 

“There was always that aspect of service that came with the Evans family name,” he said. 

“It reminds the general population what the military is for and that their sacrifices aren’t for nothing,” said Staff Sergeant Brandon Bemis.


Evans says these kinds of outreach events are key since they can teach the next generation about one of America’s oldest institutions. 

“A lot of the service members they have those kinds of stories where they have friends that they’ve served with that are no longer with us. They carry their stories forward when they interact with the public,” Evans said. 

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