
High taxes causing Marylanders to move? Not so fast. | READER COMMENTARY



The recent commentary by Stephen J.K. Walters tried to establish a causal migration relationship between states that have higher taxes and those that have lower taxes (“Flight happens: Don’t play Robin Hood, Maryland,” Feb. 16).

He claimed that higher taxes were the reason for migration from Maryland, yet he cited no poll of individual’s reasons for actually leaving the state. We should not forget one of the earliest lessons in statistics class: Correlation is not necessarily causation. I don’t see Maryland’s wealthy packing up and moving to Wyoming, South Dakota or Montana, where instead of surrounding their waterfront mansions with yachts and golf courses, they could afford to build much larger mansions surrounded by cows, sheep and buffalo.

If you want to be near the action, Maryland is pretty cheap for the East Coast when compared to New York, the District of Columbia or Philadelphia.

— Doug Goodin, Baltimore


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