
Charities across the Commonwealth vie for donations on Kentucky Gives Day



LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – The Kentucky Gives Campaign of 2023 ends at midnight on Tuesday.

Charitable organizations are all vying for your donation dollars following the pandemic and record inflation.

It’s the 11th annual Kentucky Gives Day, and give they have in the Commonwealth.

“I think it’s beautiful because it lets everybody give at their capacity,” said Greenhouse 17 Executive Director Darlene Thomas.


268 participating charities are fundraising through a single website for 24 consecutive hours.

Organizations like Greenhouse 17, a nonprofit domestic violence shelter run by Thomas, who says their mission wouldn’t be possible without the love and support of others.

“Through all that challenge came opportunity, and that was a community who said we care about survivors, and they made sure we got what we needed. At the end of the day, to make sure our doors were open, they never closed. They were available to survivors and their children,” said Thomas.

Providing housing, shelter and other resources is also critical at the Ronald McDonald House.

“When the economy fluctuates, so can our contributions. However, I will say most people will try to continue to support in some way or another, and we’ve just been grateful for that here at Ronald McDonalds House to keep families close to their sick kids,” said Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Bluegrass CEO Nate Graham.


Their 21-bedroom facility stays busy. Offering up toiletries, hot meals and transportation to and from local hospitals three times a day.

Graham says they stretch every dollar to make a difference.

“The culmination of those $5 gifts, or $10 gifts or whatever amount it is that you feel comfortable to give, those add up and allow us to do something to serve the missions that we serve,” said Graham.

Nonprofits such as the Hindman Settlement School rely on the generosity of others. Executive Director Will Anderson says days like Kentucky Gives Day are crucial.

After the flood, donations are even more important to carry out their mission. One project the Hindman Settlement School staff is working on is repairing the historic Uncle Sol’s Cabin and Museum which was damaged by the flood.


“The cabin is important to us because a gentleman named Solomon Everage played a key role in founding our school back in 1902,” said Anderson. “Unfortunately it was impacted by the flood. We had I think 3.5 to 4 feet of water inside that cabin.”

Anderson says there is still repair work to be finished inside the school as well.

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