
NRA-ILA | Delaware: General Assembly Calls for More Gun Control



Gun management advocates within the Delaware Common Meeting are at it once more. On March 14th, anti-gun Senators launched Senate Concurrent Decision 12, declaring “gun violence” a “public well being disaster.” They rammed it by way of, permitting no alternative for public remark or debate, with the Senate rapidly passing the decision on a vote of 14-6. The Home then refused to permit a roll name vote and handed the decision by voice vote over the sturdy objections of Second Modification supporters.

SCR 12 will now go to Governor Carney’s desk for his signature. It should undoubtedly be used to justify extra gun management schemes this legislative session as vital for “public well being.” Whereas laws continues to be being filed, it’s anticipated that these lawmakers will as soon as once more attempt to go a Maryland-style requirement to have a license to accumulate a handgun.

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