
Del. elected officials react to President Biden dropping bid for second term



Coons said he supports Kamala Harris to head the top of the ticket. That’s something U.S. House candidate Sarah McBride also supports. In a statement, McBride, who would be the first transgender member of Congress if elected, said she endorses Harris for president.

“Vice President Harris is the leader for this moment,” she said in a statement on social media. “No one is better positioned to build on the progress of the Biden/Harris Administration, to prosecute the case against Donald Trump, and to energize our party as we approach just 100 days until the General Election. I was with the Vice President yesterday and saw the enthusiasm she fosters among my fellow Democrats.”

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester, who is campaigning to replace U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, who is not running for reelection, released a statement recalling her relationship with the “comforter-in-chief.”

“Our families have always been there for each other in solidarity, in celebration, and in tragedy. When my husband unexpectedly passed, when my sister suffered a stroke, when Dad died, the president was always one of the first to call and express his condolences.”


Carper said in a statement it has been his privilege to serve the people of Delaware and America with Joe Biden for 50 years.

“From the day he took office, he has consistently said that in the end, his final decision on running for re-election would be based on what’s best for America,” he said in an emailed statement. “His decision today meets that standard, and I am immensely proud of him for that.

Gov. John Carney, who worked for Sen. Biden from 1986–1989, said on social media Delaware is proud of Biden and he will do what it takes to help elect Harris in November.

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