Austin, TX

10 victims of Austin crash were in town for trade show



AUSTIN, Texas – Ten of the 11 victims of what was described as a significant crash in Austin, Texas, Friday are staff of a Salt Lake Metropolis-based communications firm who had been on the town for a commerce present.

In accordance with the corporate, Sorenson, the ten staff had been visiting Austin so as to attend the DeafNation Expo, which is a commerce present for the deaf group.

Sorenson stated the staff had been gathered close to a meals truck after they had been struck by a car. They had been taken to 2 hospitals for remedy for accidents of various seriousness.

“We’re deeply saddened by this tragic occasion. Our hearts are with these within the Sorenson household who sustained accidents and with these impacted by the occasion,” stated Sorenson CEO Jorge Rodriguez. “We proceed to assist them on their highway to restoration and therapeutic.”


In accordance with the Related Press, 11 folks had been injured in a crash that concerned two automobiles, one in all which hit the meals truck.

Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Providers tweeted that two of the victims sustained potential life-threatening accidents. Seven others sustained non-life-threatening accidents requiring medical analysis.

The collision occurred in a well-liked space close to downtown Austin the place there are often a number of meals carts stationed.

Jennifer Dunn, an worker at a close-by restaurant, instructed The Related Press {that a} group of 25 folks had simply left to get ice cream at a meals truck just a few toes away when patrons contained in the restaurant heard a loud growth.

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