Augusta, GA
‘There is a solution’: Local recovery program helps those battling addiction
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – Problems with addiction are getting worse.
During the pandemic, from 2019 to 2021, all drug overdose deaths in Georgia increased by almost 62%.
Locally, our recovery programs like Katherine’s Way, are seeing more people requesting help.
Four years ago, Robin says she never thought she would see herself in the picture.
“I started using drugs heavy, probably around 21. By the time I was pregnant with my last child, I couldn’t stop. I just remember, the internal struggle that I went through, like knowing I was pregnant, knowing I was having this child, but I couldn’t quit using drugs,” said Robin.
By the age of 30, instead of preparing to chase her newborn, she was chasing a high from methamphetamines.
“I was sitting in a hospital bed knowing that my children were about to get taken from me, but I couldn’t quit using drugs. I just remember crying out to the Lord and I’m like, ‘If your real, if there is help, like, help me,’” said Robin.
She says in her darkest moment is where she stumbled upon faith and a solution.
“I learned very early on that the best thing that I could do for my kids was get sober. The best thing that I could ever give them is my recovery. For that year that I was taken out of society, and I was put into basically discipleship. I just learned God,” said Robin
That’s when she called Katherine’s Way.
“Something that Katherine’s Way does is we do the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous, and we pair it with a power greater than ourselves and we call him Jesus,” she said.
She said through faith, structure, and the 12 step program, recovery is possible and it opens the door back for reunification with your children.
“My kids are in and out here all the time. They sit in meetings, they go to discipleship classes with us, they go to Wednesday night meeting that we have open to the public,” said Robin.
Robin says her message to others struggling with addiction is a family is possible.
“There is a solution. You don’t have to die in this. You don’t have to lose children in this disease or lose any material thing to this disease. There is a solution. But it’s just getting to the point of like wanting different for yourself,” she said.
If you are looking to get help but worried about the cost, Katherine’s Way does offer scholarship programs, but they don’t turn anyone away who is seeking help. You can find out more by clicking here.
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