Augusta, GA
Meybohm Real Estate serves the community at local rescue
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – On Wednesday, more than 200 people received a hot meal at the Garden City Rescue Mission and Meybohm Real Estate’s annual Thanksgiving Eve Dinner.
The dinner is free and serves anyone in the community.
The two have hosted the dinner for nearly two decades now, but this year is extra special because it comes a couple of months after the rescue mission reached it’s $495,000 goal to stay open and continue serving the community.
“This is the day that really puts me in the holiday spirit,” said John Chambers, general manager with Meybohm Real Estate.
Patrick Feistel, executive director of Garden City Rescue Mission, said: “We get to sit and fellowship and catch up just like family. It’s way beyond food. It’s about relationships with people.”
Blood or not, everyone at the table is family.
Luther Wright, who stays at Garden City Rescue Mission, said: “It’s a blessing because a lot of people don’t have that. A lot of people don’t get the chance to eat Thanksgiving dinner with their family.”
Like any other family on Thanksgiving, all the goods were served. Meybohm Real Estate employees cooked for the people that came out on Wednesday.
Chambers said: “It’s special this year because the rescue mission was kind of hanging on by a thread.”
To be serving and out helping the community is a blessing in itself for those cooking and those eating.
Feistel said: “We’re not fixing to leave. We’re gonna be here to see this event getting larger and larger and for many years to come.”
Chambers added: “It’s a place where we can expose them to folks in the community and they can learn really what Thanksgiving is all about.”
For the folks serving and eating, its all about being together as one.
“It just shows that God is good,” said Wright.
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