Augusta, GA
Local veteran says ‘tradition’ helps carry on remembrance
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – On Monday, around the nation, we honored fallen service members.
It’s a day to remember for those throughout the area who served. Memorial Day allows us to take a moment to reflect.
Making sure no one lost in the line of duty is American Legion Post 178 Commander Grant Whiteley’s message on Memorial Day.
The post hosted dozens for a lunch which then turned into a ceremony.
“I am one about traditions. We have a lot of members that passed away and there’s one way to honor them every year,” said Whiteley.
The ceremony included naming every veteran a part of the post who has passed.
“A lot of those names were, you know, a buddy of mine here,” he said. “Had I not had this ceremony today. I wouldn’t remember them. Every time I hear their name during the ceremony. I remember. I remember who they were what they did, and a lot of them did a lot for this post.”
Following each name, a bell rang.
“All those names, we had rang a bell,” he said. “It let them know we’re thinking about them and we’re praying you know, and that they’re not forgotten.”
The playing of TAPS was followed by a prayer on their outside lawn full of white crosses representing each fallen soldier from the post.
“That’s what it’s all about, you know, so we don’t forget. There are too many things going on today. There’s no more tradition. They don’t remember you know, people hardly go out to the cemetery anymore,” Whiteley said.
Whiteley says it’s important to keep traditions moving forward. He says it’s all about not forgetting those who paid it all for our freedoms.
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