Augusta, GA

Downtown Augusta bars prepare for St. Patrick’s Day weekend



AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – Bars are gearing up for a busy Saint Patrick’s Day weekend.

However, some bars are not allowed to be opened because of a law that only allows Richmond County to open bars one Sunday a year.

That Sunday was already used on Super Bowl Sunday.

We spoke with Pedal Pub to see how they are still making the most of this weekend.


This very reason is why bars have vocalized their concerns about this law and want it to change.

There are a few holidays that fall on a Sunday this year. First, it was the Super Bowl. Now, it’s St. Patrick’s Day, and next it will be Cinco de Mayo.

However, it Isn’t stopping local bars from being creative and finding other ways you can celebrate with them.

“We’re super excited. Yeah, take advantage of every opportunity we can to be open,” said Pedal Pub owner Syderist Manuel.

Bars like Pedal Pub have been preparing for this weekend, especially being near the parade.


“Right here in our backyard. It’s going to be off on the route that starts off on Green Street. And as you know, we’re right here off of 305 12th Street. So, you can find us at the bar. Come on through,” said Manuel.

Despite still having to close their doors on Sunday, they’re doing everything they can before then to make up for it.

“A huge opportunity for the city of Richmond County to make some money with alcohol sales and everything, but to say that we’re not allowed to be open. With that said, there are ways that we have partnered and sponsored an event that is happening on Sunday. It’s a BYOB event, but it’s definitely here to represent the community for St. Patrick’s Day,” she said.

They’re hoping that events like this will get bigger every year so that people will want to stay or come here for holidays.

“Everybody likes to go down to Savannah. Right? But we want to be that next point. Where you can come and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day here, we have a huge event. The parades are massive,” said Manuel.


But that will be difficult without a change, which is something they hope to see soon.

“At the end of the day, I just think Sunday will be a great opportunity for bars to bring revenue into the city. You know, I think we’re missing out on that with our current alcohol ordinance that we have in place. I know there are some revisions that are taking place. We definitely want to see what that new ordinance looks like some shape out for bars,” she said.

This change is still in the works after failing in Atlanta, but the goal is to try and do it here locally.

It will be back on the commission agenda soon and they’re going to talk about putting it on the local ballot for November.


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