Centro Medico celebrated its grand opening Saturday with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The facility houses 9 different student-run clinics that will serve underprivileged people in the surrounding community. 

“…Being able to get this clinic started and treat patients in this community,” said Yagni Patel.

Before, clinics were only held about once a month on Augusta University’s Health Sciences Campus. That’s including Clínica Latina. Clínica Latina is managed by the nonprofit Asociación Latina de Servicios del CSRA (ALAS). ALAS was established in 2005. The organization supports the well-being of Hispanic people and other underserved populations in the CSRA. The free clinic serves those without health insurance and/or anyone who’s below the national 200% poverty level. The organization goes beyond healthcare, with interpreter and identification services, English language education and cultural education to the community.


Now, through grants and donations, more clinics can happen.

This project took ten years in the making, Doctor William Salazar says that this was possible through hard work.

“This is not a one month’s work. This is the work of a community. This is the work of many people that throughout the years have supported us and believed in us.” said Salazar.

The work doesn’t stop here, Dr. Salazar is working to offer Citizenship classes and English courses.

Centro Medico is located at 904 Merry Street.


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