Augusta, GA
Augusta Dream Center Back to School Bash
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – Augusta Dream Center Back to School Bash
The back to bash was truly a selfless act but on by Augusta Dream Center that warmed so hearts today.
Before the door even opened there were 400 people already waiting, and the number of people attending just grew and grew.
With first day of classes is just days away.
Parents say they still have a few things to cross off the “to return to school” list.
“Clothes, shoes, back to school, supplies, you know, book bags, and even just a Bible, said” Danielle Ward.
Those at the Augusta Dream’ Center say their annual back to school bash is a way to take away the financial stress that comes with the first day.
“The vision is really to empower kids in our city. So now I feel like it’s even more important than ever, just because of the economic comment here with inflation and everything, everything is expensive,” said Kelly Newman Director of Augusta Dream Center.
Coming from a family with 6 children, Ava Grace Green, says she’s seen the struggle firsthand.
“Really helpful, because we have a super big family, like I have six siblings, so it’s super helpful to come and get some help with some of this stuff, especially going back to school, because it’s super successful,” said Ava Grace Green.
The rising 9th grader says the bash is more than a blessing.
“Think it’s a big blessing to be able to come here and just feel supported like by your community, like you do when you’re here, said Green.”
And to feel loved and supported by the community was the goal.
“So our hope is that we can just be kind and just resource our community and help kids start the school year off strong,” said Newman.
“Not only help us, but even, you know, help many families as well. Because, you know, you don’t know where your blessings come from,” said Ward.
There is another Back to School Bash on Sunday with kids at Olmstead Homes from 2 to 4.
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