Atlanta, GA

Cache of guns, ammo, and drugs found during NYE call, Atlanta police say



A photographs fired name on New 12 months’s Eve led to a significant bust for the Atlanta Police Division.


Officers had been dispatched round 10:40 p.m. to the realm of Insurgent Forrest Drive and Redford Drive in southeast Atlanta.

Police say the officer heard gunshots and noticed as much as 20 armed folks close to the intersection. Most scattered once they noticed the officer.

Officers did a search of the realm, however didn’t discover the suspect. Police say they did discover tons of of spent shell casings on the bottom. Police say additionally they discovered a cache of medication and weapons.


Video launched by the division reveals 16 firearms officers confiscated together with three that had been reported stolen.

Physique cam video from the officers additionally reveals the suspects’ autos left deserted. Police say they obtained search warrants and towed the autos away.

Along with the weapons and ammunition, police say officers discovered 1.5 kilos of marijuana.


Investigators are persevering with to find out the identities of these on the scene. Police say costs are seemingly.

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