Education Innovation Rally Attracts Educators From Across Arkansas, Hosts TED-ED Student Talks
Ted-Ed Student Talks keynote speakers Alexander Gamble and Nori Shitandi at the 2023 Education Innovation Rally in Rogers.
Since 2015, the Office of Innovation for Education (OIE) has gathered educators from across the state to explore and support each other in designing and implementing student-centered learning.
This year’s Education Innovation Rally was held in Rogers on June 5-6. The rally theme, “Mission: Resilience,” focused on culture, practices, tools and structures that support resiliency with the goal of cultivating hope for each learner. The 2024 rally will be held in Jonesboro on June 4-5, 2024. OIE’s events page will have more information on that rally soon.
“One of the many highlights this year was the TED-Ed Student Talks,” said Denise Airola, OIE director. “The program brought students together to discover, develop and present their best ideas.”
In 2022, OIE was approved as a TED-Ed Student Talks partner and worked with schools across the state to support educators and students in connecting with content standards, preparation of presentations, video submissions and the opportunity to present live at the 2023 OIE Rally. In the fall of 2023, OIE will host Educator Talks, inspired by the TED-Ed student talks.
The OIE was established in 2013 to support innovation in Arkansas schools. It’s housed in the U of A’s College of Education and Health Professions and is funded by the Arkansas Department of Education. The OIE collaborates with public schools, districts, educators and organizations across Arkansas and beyond to ensure a measurable impact for all learners in Arkansas schools and gives “schools the tools to color outside the lines.”
Learn more about the mission, work and how to get involved here.