
Video: Biden Delivers Commencement Address at West Point



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Biden Delivers Commencement Address at West Point

President Biden called on graduates of the U.S. Military Academy to honor their oath to protect American democracy against threats abroad and — in an indirect reference to former President Donald J. Trump — at home.

Nothing is guaranteed about our democracy in America. Every generation has an obligation to defend it, to protect it, to preserve it, to choose it. Now it’s your turn. On your very first day at West Point, you raised your right hands and took an oath not to a political party, not to a president, but to the Constitution of the United States of America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And just as this historic institution helped make America free over two centuries ago, and just as generations of West Point graduates have kept us free through every challenge and danger, you must keep us free at this time like none before. I know you can. I know you will.


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