
Polish plan to get fighter jets into hands of Ukrainian pilots complicates Harris’ visit to Warsaw



The Polish authorities’s resolution to switch fighter jets to the U.S. within the hopes of getting them into the arms of Ukrainian pilots has difficult a go to by Vice President Kamala Harris simply hours earlier than she was set to depart for Warsaw.

American officers have been caught off guard when the Polish authorities introduced on Tuesday that it will ship about two dozen Soviet-era MiG-29 fighter planes to the U.S. air base at Ramstein, Germany. Polish officers apparently had hoped the U.S. would then ship the planes to Ukraine, whose pilots are skilled on the plane and are desperately attempting to fend off a Russian invasion.

However Russia has warned that sending the plane to Ukraine can be seen as an act of conflict, doubtlessly broadening the battle in Ukraine. American officers mentioned they weren’t consulted about Poland’s abrupt resolution and wouldn’t signal on to the plan. Polish officers have been relying on receiving new U.S. fighter jets to interchange these they put at Ukraine’s disposal.


“It was a shock transfer by the Poles,” Victoria Nuland, undersecretary of State for political affairs, instructed a congressional panel Tuesday.

Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby mentioned Poland must take the chance by itself if it needed to ship the planes, given the necessity to fly them over contested airspace.

“It’s merely not clear to us that there’s a substantive rationale for it,” Kirby mentioned in a press release. “We are going to proceed to seek the advice of with Poland and our different NATO allies about this problem and the troublesome logistical challenges it presents, however we don’t consider Poland’s proposal is a tenable one.”

The shock Polish provide despatched U.S. officers scrambling for last-minute explanations. The administration had hoped Harris’ high-level go to to Poland and Romania would spotlight what has been unusually sturdy unity among the many United States and its allies in Europe.

Harris is anticipated to depart Washington on Wednesday and meet with leaders in each international locations Thursday and Friday earlier than returning to the U.S. Harris performed the same position throughout Russia’s buildup final month, assembly with allies on the Munich Safety Convention in Germany.


Poland and Romania border Ukraine and have been former Soviet satellites. Because the fall of the Iron Curtain, each international locations have joined NATO, signing a treaty that ensures the USA and Europe would defend them towards Russian aggression.

U.S. officers have repeatedly mentioned they may defend any NATO member that’s attacked by Russia if its president, Vladimir Putin, chooses to broaden his conflict. Putin has known as the breakup of the Soviet Union a grievous tragedy within the historical past of his nation.

“The vice chairman’s journey to Poland and to Europe is a part of our effort to indicate our sturdy help for our NATO allies and companions, the safety help they’ve been offering, their position in accepting and welcoming refugees from Ukraine,” White Home Press Secretary Jen Psaki instructed reporters touring with the president Tuesday.

Psaki mentioned the USA would additionally discus Poland’s proposal to arm Ukraine.

Poland and Romania are bearing the brunt of the refugee disaster. Poland has accepted greater than 1.2 million individuals escaping Ukraine, whereas Romania has taken in about 82,000 individuals fleeing Russia’s onslaught.


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