
The Green Mountain harvest: Concluding my first cannabis home grow journey



As the Vermont foliage turned to its vibrant autumn hues, my home cannabis grow project concluded its final chapter. It’s been another five weeks since my last update.

Today – 100 days since planting the seeds on Aug. 9 – marks the end of my journey. It has been a testament to patience and learning, and culminates not just in a harvest of plants, but in a harvest of knowledge and experience, as well.


The maturation stage

In the last weeks of life, the plants flourished, their buds swelling with the promise of a fruitful yield. Trichomes, those tiny, crystal-like structures, became my guide. I learned to read their color shifts – from transparent to milky white, indicating peak THC levels.

This was a period of meticulous care, balancing humidity and temperature, ensuring the plants were poised for optimal harvest. Since my grow medium was a mix of coco coir and perlite, I choose to flush the plants the last four days before chopping them on their 85th day. This was so the plants could use up all available nutrients already available to them.

The harvest

Harvest day was filled with excitement. It was time to reap the rewards of months of care. The actual cutting process was quite straightforward. My plants grew in a traditional Christmas tree fashion and I just had to cut the main stem in a few places so I could easily hang them to dry in their tent. Down again they go for another 5-7 days to dry out.

The curing process

After about a week of darkness, the buds were ready for their final resting place. The next phase was a quick trim and then the crucial step of curing could begin. Curing the buds slowly in controlled conditions – in a large mason jar with a humidity pack – enhances their potency and flavor. This stage was another exercise in patience; rushing it could spoil the entire grow and I wasn’t about to make that final mistake after all this time.


The first tasting

The first sampling of my home-grown flower was a joyful experience. The flavors and aromas were exactly as described on the genetics website where I first found them, a blend of piney-ness with bubblegum. That night I was able to relax and indulge in the bounty of my harvest was a satisfying blend of accomplishment and pleasure.

Looking ahead

I’m not going right into the process of starting another grow as soon as this one wrapped like some auto-flowering growers do. I’m opting to take some time to reflect and plan an ever better grow for after the holidays. Armed with the knowledge from this first successful journey, I feel like I can only increase my skill as I practice my newfound hobby over the next year.


As the Green Mountain State stands as a beacon of natural beauty and resilience, so too does my journey in home cannabis cultivation. It’s a journey of growth, learning, and a deeper appreciation for the plant. I hope my story inspires others in Vermont and beyond to embark on their own cannabis cultivation adventure, fostering a community of growers who share a love for the plant and the process. Thanks for following this journey and I look forward to sharing the next adventure with you all in 2024!


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