Rhode Island
RIPTA says East Side Tunnel to remain closed through October | ABC6
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WLNE) — The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority said that the East Side Tunnel will remain closed for repairs and renovations through Oct. 31.
RIPTA said Routes 1, 32, 33, 34, 40 and 61x will continue to be on detour to accommodate the construction.
Detours will remain as follows:
Routes 32, 33, 34, 40 and 61x:
- Inbound trips will travel regular route to the intersection of Angell and Thayer Streets, continue onto Angell Street through to Steeple Street and then resume regular route. Passengers will utilize the bus stop on Angell Street at Hope Street. There will be no stops between Angell and Hope Streets and Kennedy Plaza.
- Outbound trips will travel regular route to North Main Street via Washington Place, continue up the hill on Waterman Street and then resume regular route. At the bottom of the hill, passengers will board at a temporary stop on the traffic island on Washington Place. At the top of the hill, passengers will utilize the bus stop on Waterman Street at Hope Street.
Route 1:
- Inbound trips will travel regular route to Thayer Street, left onto Waterman Street, left onto Brook Street, left onto Angell Street, continue on Angell Street through to Steeple Street and then resume regular route. Passengers will utilize the bus stop on Thayer Street before Meeting Street. There will be no stops between Thayer and Meeting Streets and Kennedy Plaza.
- Outbound trips will travel regular route to North Main Street via Washington Place, continue up the hill on Waterman Street, turn left onto Brook Street and then resume regular route. At the bottom of the hill, passengers will board at a temporary stop on the pedestrian island on Washington Place. At the top of the hill, passengers will utilize the bus stop on Brook Street after Angell Street.
A map of temporary bus stops can be found here.