Rhode Island
Rhode Island delegation reacts to Trump guilty verdict | ABC6
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WLNE) — Members of Rhode Island’s federal delegation released comments after former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict in his hush money trail.
Rep. Seth Magaziner said Trump lacks “honest and integrity:”
Today’s verdict confirms that everyone in our country is equal under the law. We have known for years that Donald Trump lacks the honesty and integrity to hold the Oval Office, and his criminal conviction today offers yet another reason why.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, meanwhile, said Trump has shown “zero respect for the law:”
An individual who has been convicted of 34 felony counts and shows zero respect for the rule of law is not fit to lead the greatest nation in the world. It’s only in honest courtrooms that the former president has been unable to lie and bully his way out of trouble. Americans trust juries for good reason.