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Is Connecticut a ‘safe haven’ for transgender youth? For some, not safe enough • Rhode Island Current



Is Connecticut a ‘safe haven’ for transgender youth? For some, not safe enough • Rhode Island Current

When LGBTQ+ activists, lawmakers and students gathered at the Capitol on Feb. 28 to honor the life of Nex Benedict, a nonbinary teenager from Oklahoma, their loss felt a lot closer to home than the nearly 1,500-mile distance. 

“We gathered together today as a community to grieve the loss of Nex Benedict, a beautiful 16-year-old child, and to try and make sense of what is absolutely senseless,” said Rev. Aaron Miller of Metropolitan Community Church in Hartford. 

Benedict, who used both he/him and they/them pronouns, died by suicide a day after getting into an altercation with three girls in an Owasso High School bathroom, according to the Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner. Their death has sent shockwaves across the country, causing LGBTQ+ activists to renew scrutiny of Oklahoma’s anti-transgender school policies.

Gov. Ned Lamont, one of more than 100 attendees at the Hartford vigil, vowed: “We’re not going to let that happen in Connecticut. That’s not who we are.”


But many advocates say state leaders could be doing much more to support Connecticut’s LGBTQ+ students.

Among state lawmakers, the debate is far from settled. Connecticut has some of the most comprehensive legal protections in the country for transgender individuals, yet for the past two years, Republican lawmakers have supported legislation the LGBTQ+ community takes issue with — for example, banning trans athletes from competing in school sports and mandating schools to notify parents when a child starts using different pronouns. 

For a state often labeled as a “safe haven” for trans children, many LGBTQ+ students say they still face hatred in school based on their identity. 

Surviving school

Ace Ricker, an LGBTQ+ advocate and educator, says “navigating” life as a queer person in Connecticut was far from easy. 

Ricker grew up in Shelton. He came out as queer at 14 years old to his family but only told a few friends about his identity as a transgender man.  


Everyday in high school, he would show up with his hair in a slicked back ponytail, wearing baggy T-shirts and jeans. 

No bathroom felt safe to Ricker in high school. At the time, he only used the women’s bathroom, where he says he experienced verbal, physical and sexual abuse. 

“The few friends I had, I was telling them, ‘Hey, if I go to the bathroom and I don’t come back in 10 minutes, come and check on me,’” said Ricker. 

One year in high school, he opened up to his civics class, sharing that he was a part of the LGBTQ+ community. He said he thinks that led school administrators to assign him to what he called “problem student” classes. 

“I was seen in school as a rebel or a problem,” said Ricker. “I barely got through graduating because through school, it was about surviving— it wasn’t necessarily learning.” 


Ricker graduated in 2008, but stories like his are common among LGBTQ+ students in Connecticut. 

Leah Juliett, a nonbinary activist who uses they/them pronouns, graduated from Wolcott High School in 2015. Like many trans and nonbinary students, Juliett originally identified as queer and later came out as nonbinary at 19 — the year they found out what “nonbinary” meant. 

“I came out in high school. I was relentlessly bullied,” said Juliett, “My school binders were thrown in the trash and had milk poured over them. My school locker was vandalized on my birthday. I would get harassing messages and things like that on social media.” 

Juliett says they were one of the few openly gay kids in school who not only had to deal with bullying but watched as local lawmakers proposed legislation to limit their rights. 

“It becomes deeply hard to exist,” Juliett said. “I was engaging in self harm, suicidal ideation. All of this is a result of not being supported by my town, by my community, by my peers, by my family— all of it.” 


In recent years, parents of LGBTQ+ students in Connecticut have brought their concerns to the federal Department of Education.  

In 2022, Melissa Combs and other concerned parents reported Irving A. Robbins Middle School in Farmington to the Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights after school administrators declined to investigate an incident where students ripped a Pride flag from the wall and stomped on it. 

Combs is the parent of a transgender son. During her son’s time at the middle school, she said he faced relentless bullying, where he dealt with students telling him to kill himself, getting called slurs and was assaulted by a student. 

Two years later, the OCR investigation is still ongoing.

“We entered into this knowing that it was going to take a lot of time,” said Combs. “We entered into it with the hope that we could make some positive changes to the school climate in Farmington.”


Since opening the investigation, Combs tried to reenroll her son in Farmington public schools, only to pull him back out again. She says not much has changed in the school culture. 

“There’s still a lot of work to be done,” said Combs. “It was, again, a horrible experience.”

Events like this pushed Combs to take the issue up with the state legislature. Combs founded the Out Accountability Project that has the goal of “understanding” local issues affecting  LGBTQ+ youth. She says she’s been having these conversations with lawmakers. 

“I’ve spent a great deal of time in the LOB [Legislative Office Building] so far this session,” Combs said. “What I’m sensing is not only support, but a sense of urgency in terms of supporting families — families like mine across the state.”

The legislation

Republican lawmakers in state houses across the country have introduced a variety of legislation targeted at LGBTQ+ students. In 2023, more than 500 of these bills were introduced around the country, with 48 passing. Since the beginning of this legislative session, Benedict’s home state of Oklahoma has considered over 50 different pieces of legislation regarding LGBTQ+ children.


In Connecticut, the “Let Kids be Kids” coalition, a group of elected officials — including legislators Mark Anderson, R-Granby, and Anne Dauphinais, R-Killingly — and religious leaders and parents advocated for two bills for the Education Committee to consider. 

The first piece of legislation would have forced teachers to disclose to parents if their child started using different pronouns at school. The other would have required student athletes to participate in sports with members of the gender they were assigned at birth. 

“Kids are best protected when parents are involved,” said Peter Wolfgang, the president of the Family Institute of Connecticut, during a February Let Kids be Kids press conference at the Capitol. “The state should not come between parents and their children.”

The Education Committee declined to raise the bills, and neither concept got public hearings. This hasn’t thwarted future plans by the coalition.

We’ve seen undeniable research that trans students face an inordinate amount of bullying and stressors in their lives.


– Rep. Sarah Keitt, a Fairfield Democrat

“I am actually very encouraged, because we grew awareness at the General Assembly this year,” Leslie Wolfgang, director of public policy at the Family Institute, wrote in a statement to the Connecticut Mirror. “This session was just the first step in a multi-year process to grow awareness and look for ways to balance the needs of all children and their families in Connecticut.” 


Debates during the current legislative session have revealed nuanced views among lawmakers on transgender rights. General Assembly Democrats sparred over gender neutral language in House Bill 5454, which seeks to direct more state and federal funding toward mental health services for children, caregivers and parents. Members of the Appropriations Committee debated whether to use the term “pregnant persons” or “expectant mothers,” with two Democrats calling for an amendment to include both terms, saying they felt the bill was more inclusive that way. 

Still, the legislature has advanced several bills this session that propose to expand rights and protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in Connecticut, and they heard testimony from the public on an effort to extend Shield Laws — laws meant to protect individuals who seek abortions from other states — to include gender-affirming care.

On April 10, the Senate passed Senate Bill 327, a bill aimed at creating a task force that would study the effects on hate speech against children. 

The legislation calls for the group of educators, social workers, religious leaders and civil rights experts to file a report by the beginning of next year with their research and recommendations. The group would also study the environments students where face the most hateful rhetoric and examine if hate speech is primarily conducted by children or adults.  

“We’ve seen undeniable research that trans students face an inordinate amount of bullying and stressors in their lives,”  Rep. Sarah Keitt, D-Fairfield, said in an interview with the CT Mirror. “A lot of that comes at schools and we need to do much more to protect them.”


The bill is currently on its way to the House.

In February, Senate Bill 380, An Act Concerning School Discipline, passed out of the Education Committee. The bill includes proposals that would require services for the youngest children who receive out-of-school suspensions and continues work initiated last year to collect survey data from schools on the “climate” facing their more vulnerable student populations. This year’s bill would also require school administrators to clarify the motivations for any bullying incidents — if they’re due to a student’s race, gender or sexual orientation, for example.

Another proposal comes as an amendment to the state constitution that would prohibit the discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity under the Equal Protection Clause. While Keitt expressed support for the amendment, she was doubtful on the likelihood of it passing. 

“It is such a short session, we have very little time, and if we were to take up the constitutional amendment, it would mean that we wouldn’t be able to get other more pressing needs — not to say that those protections aren’t important.” Keitt also pointed to the statutory protections already in place statewide. 

Another piece of legislation, House Bill 5417, would require local and regional boards of education to state a reason for removing or restricting access to public school library materials and prohibits such boards from removing or restricting access to such materials for reasons based on race, political disagreements or personal discomfort. 


Book bans, primarily targeting novels about people of color and LGBTQ+ community, have increased over the past few years in towns like Suffiled, Newtown and Brookfield.  

“I think that it really protects gay and transgender authors of color,” Keitt said. “It allows our children to have a broader educational experience and protects our libraries from political attacks.”

Policy already in place 

While state lawmakers have been considering new legislation, many LGBTQ+ advocates say they’d like to see more enforcement of existing legal protections for queer people.

Public Act 11-55 was enacted in 2011, prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity or expression. This, among other protections, is why Connecticut is often heralded as a “safe haven” for transgender and nonbinary individuals. 

But many advocates say the LGBTQ+ community, and those designated to protect them, are often uninformed of those legal protections.  


“You can pass all the laws you want, but if you don’t provide communities with resources to implement those laws, they aren’t as useful as they should be,” Matt Blinstrubas, the executive director of Equality CT, said. “We haven’t invested enough into educating people.” 

According to Mel Cordner of the LGBTQ+ advocacy group Q Plus, one of the most concerning trends they see in schools is when educators are unaware of the protections students have. 

“I’ve had teachers [say] you can’t do any kind of hormone therapy or puberty blockers or anything until you’re 18. Or require kids to get parental permission to change their name in the school system, which you don’t need to do,” said Cordner. “Staff are either fooled by their administrators, or they just assume that kids don’t have certain rights.” 

When the Nex Benedict news hit, that rocked our whole network of career kids really, really hard because every single one of them went, ‘Oh God, that could have been me.’


While the Department of Education must keep a list of instances of bullying, advocates say many queer students do not report their harassment because they are not comfortable coming out to their families. 

“I’ve grown up with many trans kids who only felt safe being openly themselves at school,” said Juliett. “And even then they were subjected to bullying and harassment, but they couldn’t be themselves at home.”

“When the Nex Benedict news hit, that rocked our whole network of career kids really, really hard because every single one of them went, ‘Oh God, that could have been me,’” said Cordner. “There were a couple kids I was worried about enough to reach out to personally, because that was them — that exact situation of being cornered and assaulted in a bathroom physically has happened in Connecticut schools more than once.”

Filling the gaps

Bullying, isolation and lack of support from family members are few of many reasons why gay, bisexual and transgender youth have a disproportionately high suicide rate. 


According to The Trevor Project, a nonprofit suicide prevention organization for the LGBTQ+ community, queer young people are “more than four times as likely” to attempt suicide compared to their straight, cisgender peers. In a 2023 study, the nonprofit found that 41% of LGBTQ+ youth have “seriously considered attempting suicide” within the past year. Youth of color who identify as trans, nonbinary and queer experience even higher rates.  

Concerning statistics like these are why many LGBTQ+ advocates have taken it upon themselves to create a community-based support system for queer youth. 

Miller, a Christian pastor from Metropolitan Community Church in Hartford, works with community members across the state to provide services like “Trans Voice & Visibility 365,” a ministry dedicated to helping transgender individuals get their basic needs, and at the Yale Pediatric Gender Program, a support center for people children exploring their gender identity. 

Miller creates a place at his church where he can “celebrate” transgender and nonbinary people and coordinates with other LGBTQ+ groups like Q Plus to throw events where kids can explore their identity by exchanging clothes and trying on different outfits. 

“Kids want to be themselves. We’re encouraging them to be themselves,” said Miller. 


It’ll never stop surprising me how many people work with teens and think they don’t work with queer teens.

While Miller helps build community for many transgender individuals, he finds himself on the front lines of many near-crisis moments. Miller said he once stayed up through the night talking a child out of killing themself after their family abandoned them. 

Miller’s church is part of a support network for families he calls “medical refugees” — transplants from places like Oklahoma and Texas, where they faced death threats and allegations of child abuse. The church community helps these families find housing, medical services and other support.


“The two greatest commands that we were given in a Christian understanding is to love God and to love each other as we love ourselves,” said Miller. “And yet, we’ve been telling people that they can’t love themselves or they’re not lovable, and that other people aren’t going to love us either.” 

Cordner founded Q Plus in 2019 “with the goal of filling gaps” for LGBTQ+ youth programs. Q Plus operates in nine towns and cities across the state while providing a variety of resources for students from support groups to game night. 

The organization also provides services aimed at adults that include programs that help parents better engage with their LGBTQ+ children as well as professional development trainings for school staff on the best ways to interact with queer students. 

“It’ll never stop surprising me how many people work with teens and think they don’t work with queer teens,” said Cordner. 

Q Plus also has a program where the organization is contracted by schools to “review and revise policies” to support LGBTQ+ students.  


“[The] bottom line is always listen to your kids,” said Cordner. “They will tell you what they need.” 

Connecticut Mirror is a content partner of States Newsroom. Read the original version here.



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Rhode Island

Rhode Island Captures 10th Atlantic 10 Rowing Championship Title



Rhode Island Captures 10th Atlantic 10 Rowing Championship Title

PENNSAUKEN, N.J. – Rhode Island won it’s 10th Atlantic 10 Rowing title, securing the win with a victory in the Varsity 8 Saturday at Cooper River Park.

It’s the third title in the last four years for the Rams, who earn the Atlantic 10’s automatic bid to the NCAA Championship. Rhode won the Varsity 8 and Second Varsity 8 races to secure the victory.

Massachusetts finished second in the standings with 46 points, winning the Varsity 4 and placing second in the Second Varsity 8 and third in the Varsity 8. George Washington placed third overall, just one point behind UMass with 45 points, placing second in the Varsity 8 and third in the Second Varsity 8 and Varsity 4.

Fordham was fourth with 33 points, followed by La Salle (29 points), Saint Joseph’s (26) and Duquesne (21). George Mason and Dayton rounded out the team standings.


Rhody’s Varsity 8 team won a tightly contested grand final over George Washington and Massachusetts with a time of 6:45.204, topping the Revolutionaries (6:49.544) by four seconds.

URI also claimed the Second Varsity 8 with a time of 6:55.6. UMass (6:59.771) and GW (7:02.350) earned silver and bronze respectively.

Massachusetts won the Varsity 4 with a 7:39.620, followed by Saint Joseph’s (7:44,.487) and GW (7:53.112).

UMass also won the two non-scoring events, taking the Varsity 4B at 8:04.765 and the Third Varsity 8 with a 7:22.861. GW was second in the 3V8, clocking in at 7:25.761 and Duquesne was third with a 7:28.857. The Revolutionaries also were second in the Varsity 4B with a 8:12.167 while Rhody was third with a 8:16.705.

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Rhode Island

CHAMPIONS! Rowing Wins 10th Atlantic 10 Title – University of Rhode Island



CHAMPIONS! Rowing Wins 10th Atlantic 10 Title – University of Rhode Island

KINGSTON, R.I. – Rhode Island Rowing won its 10th Atlantic 10 Championship in program history on Saturday in thrilling fashion, with racing coming down to the final event on the Cooper River. 

The Varsity 8+ crew of coxswain Lily Stasaitis, Catie Castle, Bethany Nordstrom, Nicole Jones, Samantha Gumprecht, Cait Reardon, Emma Barnhart, Sarah Pecoraro and Bella Bruno sprinted past George Washington in the final 1000m of its race for a first-place finish (6:45.2) that lifted URI to the team title. 

Rhode Island finished with 51 points, followed by Massachusetts (46 points) and George Washington (45 points). 

The Second Varsity 8+ joined the aforementioned boat by finishing first in its event. Coxswain Ellie McGee, Jessica Tosi, Olivia Kowalski, Hailey Pardi, Sammie Gorecki, Eryn Wale, Amanda Cubit, Maia Hembruff and Emma Larsh bested second-place UMass by half a length to pick up what was the team’s first gold medals of the day. 

Rhody’s Varsity 4+ crew of coxswain Evelyn Tabor, Emily Olin, Emma Brookins, Jasmyn Hayes and Alexis Moore began the competition amongst the scoring boats with a fourth-place finish (7:55.0). The Third Varsity 8+ just missed the podium as well, crossing the line fourth (7:31.6). 


URI’s Second Varsity 4+ crew of coxswain Sawyer McNish, Irma Accius, Anna Kann, Abby Galayda and Brigid McShea placed third in its final with a time of 8:16.7 

Castle, Jones and Nordstrom earned spots on the All-Atlantic 10 First Team while Barnhart received a Second Team nod. Head coach Shelagh Donohoe won A10 Coach of the Year for the ninth time in her career.

Rhode Island has secured the conference’s automatic bid to the NCAA Championship, which is being held on East Fork/Harsha Lake in Bethel, Ohio from May 31 through June 2. The Rams will learn of their seeding in the selection show, which is at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21. It will stream live on  

Team Standings
1. Rhode Island – 51
2. Massachusetts – 46
3. George Washington – 45
4. Fordham – 33
5. La Salle – 29
6. Saint Joseph’s – 26
7. Duqeusne – 21
8. George Mason – 11
9. Dayton – 7

Rhode Island Finals Results
Second Varsity 4+ – Grand Final
1. Massachusetts – 8:04.7
2. George Washington – 8:12.1
3. Rhode Island – 8:16.7
4. Fordham – 8:57.2
5. George Mason – 9:09.2
Third Varsity 8+ – Grand Final
1. Massachusetts – 7:22.8
2. George Washington – 7:25.7
3. Duquesne – 7:28.8
4. Rhode Island – 7:31.6
5. Fordham – 7:55.4
Varsity 4+ – Grand Final
1. Massachusetts – 7:39.6
2. Saint Joseph’s – 7:44.4
3. George Washington – 7:53.1
4. Rhode Island – 7:55.0
5. Fordham – 8:09.9
6. Duquesne – 8:19.3
Second Varsity 8+ – Grand Final
1. Rhode Island – 6:55.6
2. Massachusetts – 6:59.7
3. George Washington – 7:02.3
4. LaSalle – 7:09.1
5. Fordham – 7:14.6
6. Duquesne – 7:18.6
Varsity 8+ – Grand Final
1. Rhode Island – 6:45.2
2. George Washington – 6:49.5
3. Massachusetts – 7:00.1
4. Fordham – 7:01.8
5. LaSalle – 7:05.2
6. Saint Joseph’s – 7:12.5



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Rhode Island

‘Warehousing’ children; RI’s most wanted; Friars prospects: Top stories this week



‘Warehousing’ children; RI’s most wanted; Friars prospects: Top stories this week

Here are some of The Providence Journal’s most-read stories for the week of May 12, supported by your subscriptions.

Here are the week’s top reads on


Rhode Island has violated the federal civil rights of hundreds of children with mental-health or developmental disabilities by “routinely and unnecessarily segregating” them at Bradley Hospital, U.S. Attorney Zachary Cunha said Monday.

Rather than placing children with such disabilities in intensive in-home or community-based programs, Cunha said the state’s Department of Children, Youth & Families has over-relied on hospitalizing them at Bradley, leaving them there for weeks, months and, in a few cases, more than a year.

“Rhode Island has failed, miserably and repeatedly, to meet its legal obligations to children with mental-health and developmental disabilities,” he said. 

What comes next for DCYF after U.S. Attorney’s scathing accusations?


Mental health care: ‘Appalling’: Feds accuse RI DCYF of ‘warehousing’ children at Bradley Hospital. What to know.

Gov. Dan McKee has quietly asked lawmakers to approve a tax relief-and-spending package for Citizens Bank that includes the proposed state purchase of a Citizens-owned building on Tripps Lane in East Providence for more than twice its current $16.9 million assessed value.

A second of two unannounced budget amendments has Democrat McKee asking lawmakers to allow a tweak in the state’s “financial institutions tax” that could potentially cost the state millions in revenue.

Within the State House, it is believed to be a targeted effort to assist Citizens for unstated reasons, though it does not specifically name the company.


Read on to find out what we know about the Citizens Bank deal – and what we don’t.

Business: Inside McKee’s 11th hour pitch to keep Citizens Bank – and its jobs – in RI. Here’s the deal.

Spread too thin as owner/chef, and with two other businesses, Ben Lloyd will close his Salted Slate this month. The Wayland Square restaurant has had a 10-year run serving lunch, brunch and dinner in Providence. The last day of service is May 31.

News of that closing was compounded by a Facebook notice that a second Wayland Square institution, Minerva’s Pizza at 20 South Angell St., has also shuttered. Kabalan and Kaylin Habchi bought the restaurant in 2002 and have run the pizzeria since.  


Did the traffic disruptions of the Washington Bridge closure play a role? Journal food editor Gail Ciampa talks with Lloyd about the stresses that led to his difficult decision.

Dining: Two restaurant closures stun Wayland Square. How much is the Washington Bridge to blame?

Byron Valle and Douglas Leon were in a crowd of about 2,000 soccer fans gathered at Merino Park when they were shot to death in 1987.

Thirty-seven years later, police are still trying to find the man who pulled the trigger. The accused killer is Julio Merida, and he’s among a small group of fugitives identified as “Rhode Island’s Most Wanted.”

Featured on a webpage maintained by the Rhode Island State Fusion Center at state police headquarters, each of the most-wanted fugitives has a story. Read on to learn more about Merida and seven other men on the most-wanted list, as well as instructions from the state police about what to do if you have any information that could aid in apprehending them.


Crime: Have you seen these men? Here’s the list of Rhode Island’s most wanted fugitives

The end of this month could see Providence College already well down the road with respect to building its next men’s basketball recruiting class. 

The Friars already hold a commitment from a 2025 prospect and could see two more before the calendar flips to June. The first could come as soon as Sunday afternoon. 

Jamier Jones will announce his decision live on Instagram, and he was scheduled to start a final visit to Providence over the weekend. Jaylen Harrell is set to pledge May 27, and the Friars are also among his last six schools under consideration. Journal sportswriter Bill Koch explains the impact they could have on PC’s basketball program.


College sports: Two more top prospects might commit to Providence basketball this month. Who are they?

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