The Pennsylvania Council of Churches holds a Summit on Policing at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Harrisburg, Pa., May 10, 2023. The keynote speaker is Paul Butler, author of “Chokehold: Policing Black Men,” and included on the panel are Chad Dion Lassiter, Executive Director Pa. Human Relations Commission; Jennifer Gettle, Dauphin County Deputy DA and David Splain, Pres. Pa. Chiefs of Police Association, in Harrisburg, Pa., May. 10, 2023.
The Pennsylvania Council of Churches holds a Summit on Policing at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Harrisburg, Pa., May 10, 2023. Included on the panel are: Chad Dion Lassiter, Executive Director Pa. Human Relations Commission; Jennifer Gettle, Dauphin Countyh Deputy DA and David Splain, Pres. Pa. Chiefs of Police Association, in Harrisburg, Pa., May. 10, 2023.
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