
Pennsylvania: A Tale of 2 Caseys and the Death of a Pro-Life Catholic State



As soon as upon a time right here in Pennsylvania, not way back, we boasted nice pro-life leaders from each political events.

To quote a key instance from every occasion, amongst Republicans, we had Sen. Rick Santorum, maybe the main pro-life voice within the U.S. Senate. Amongst Democrats, we had Gov. Robert Casey Sr., the namesake of the landmark Deliberate Parenthood v. Casey resolution, which Casey regrettably misplaced, although that call was in the end reversed in June 2022, with the Dobbs ruling. Amongst our state’s governor and two U.S. senators, we sometimes may depend on no less than two strong pro-lifers, generally from each events.

A stark swap got here in 2014, when Pennsylvanians elected as governor Democrat Tom Wolf. Our state all of the sudden had the nation’s first and solely governor to have served as an escort at Deliberate Parenthood abortion amenities. The concept that Pennsylvanians would elect somebody as culturally radical as Wolf to the governor’s mansion was as soon as unthinkable — and clearly a wake-up name for the tradition. The late Gov. Casey would have been mortified, particularly as Wolf proceeded to control as an abortion extremist.

Pennsylvanian Democrats, lots of them Catholics, had been undeterred by Wolf’s abortion positions. They reelected Wolf in 2018 in a landslide, defeating his Republican challenger by 17%. Wolf’s abortion extremism was no drawback by any means for Pennsylvania Democratic voters.


All of this was apparently an indication of issues to come back, because the November 2022 midterm elections made clear.

The Nov. 8 election was an extra stark repudiation of Pennsylvania’s onetime pro-life management. Pennsylvania now has radical pro-choice Democrats within the governor’s workplace with Josh Shapiro, within the U.S. Senate with John Fetterman, a Bernie Sanders Democrat who’s an extremist on all of the cultural-moral points from abortion to the total “LGBTQ” agenda (he actually flies an “LGBTQ” flag from the balcony of his lieutenant governor’s workplace), and, sadly, with incumbent U.S. Sen. Robert Casey Jr.

Sure, that’s Casey Jr. This marked shift appears to have began with him, previous to Gov. Wolf.

Casey the Youthful in 2006 crushed incumbent Sen. Santorum in a double-digit landslide, 59% to 41%, so overwhelming that it left Santorum supporters speechless. It was the largest-ever margin of victory for a Pennsylvania Democrat working for the U.S. Senate and the most important margin towards any incumbent in America in a long time.

How may Santorum lose that badly? The reply was that Casey benefited enormously from title recognition — that’s, his father’s title. He ran as a pro-life Catholic Democrat, identical to his father. In reality, pro-life Santorum supporters took a measure of consolation in the truth that no less than their man misplaced to a pro-life Democrat, one of many only a few pro-life Democrats within the U.S. Senate. That supplied a level of solace.


Perhaps Casey, like his father, would struggle to attempt to pull his occasion again to a pro-life platform?

Sadly, he has executed simply the other.

Casey has morphed along with his occasion on the abortion concern. And at each cease, his Democratic base in Pennsylvania has rewarded him. He was reelected in each 2012 and 2018. He’s the primary Democrat ever in Pennsylvania to win a 3rd consecutive time period to the U.S. Senate.

The final word image of Casey’s pro-life reversal got here in June with Dobbs, when he shockingly rejected the very Supreme Courtroom resolution that lastly upheld and affirmed his father in his father’s epic case towards Deliberate Parenthood.

“Immediately’s resolution upends virtually a half-century of authorized precedent and rips away a constitutional proper that generations of girls have recognized their complete lives,” acknowledged Casey in his official response to the Dobbs resolution. “This harmful ruling received’t finish abortions on this nation, however it is going to put ladies’s lives in danger. And make no mistake — this isn’t the top objective; it’s only the start. Republicans in Congress need to cross federal laws to utterly ban abortion. Our daughters and granddaughters shouldn’t develop up with fewer rights than their moms.”


To say that this was a shocking betrayal of his father’s legacy is an understatement. Right here’s what his father mentioned in December 1987:

“I imagine abortion to be the final word violence. I imagine strongly that Roe v. Wade was incorrectly determined as a matter of regulation and represents a nationwide public coverage each divisive and harmful. It has unleashed a tidal wave that has swept away the lives of tens of millions of defenseless, harmless unborn youngsters. In in response to the girl’s proper of privateness within the abortion resolution each exclusivity and finality, the Supreme Courtroom has not solely disregarded the correct of the unborn to life itself, however has disadvantaged mother and father, spouses and the state of the correct to take part in a choice during which all of them have a significant curiosity. This curiosity should be protected, relatively than denied by the regulation.”

In March 1993, talking on the historic previous courthouse in St. Louis the place the unique Dred Scott trial happened, Gov. Casey had acknowledged: “As everybody is aware of, the Courtroom could be — and has been — severely fallacious. The Courtroom erred within the case of Dred Scott. And I imagine that the Courtroom erred within the case of Roe v. Wade.”

He in contrast abortion not solely to slavery, however homicide: “It’s a novel form of killing … as an goal reality, that is what abortion is.” Casey even in contrast abortion to the Holocaust.

That was the senior Casey. It isn’t the junior Casey.


Robert Casey Jr.’s drift on the abortion concern — and clear break from his father’s signature concern — could be seen as the beginning of what’s now an entire repudiation of a pro-life platform by Pennsylvania Democratic leaders. With the election of Shapiro as governor and Fetterman as Casey’s companion within the U.S. Senate, the place of Pennsylvania as a pro-life state, the place Democrats and Republicans may work collectively to oppose abortion, is totally gone.

Portrait of Governor Bob Casey Sr. (Photograph: Official Portrait)

Sadly, what has made this attainable is the bigger drift of Democratic Occasion voters in Pennsylvania away from the pro-life place. This might not have occurred with out their votes.

For years, pro-life Democrats in Pennsylvania, lots of them Catholics, merely voted for whichever candidates had a “D” subsequent to their title on the poll. Many of those Catholic Democrat voters put up yard indicators for whoever the occasion nominated, no matter the place the candidate stood on the abortion concern. The entire pro-life training executed of their parishes and communities was not sufficient to override their loyalty to their political occasion. It was occasion first.


As they green-lighted whichever political candidate had a “D,” they despatched a sign to the Democratic Occasion statewide that they’d elect candidates no matter how excessive they could be on the abortion query. Fetterman’s election Nov. 8 is a placing end result.

In all, it signifies that this as soon as outstanding pro-life state, standing aside from New York and New Jersey and the Northeast states, and extra akin to Ohio and Midwest states, shall be represented by abortion advocates Shapiro, Fetterman and Casey, who is especially disappointing, given his repudiation of his father’s pro-life legacy.

It’s a unhappy loss for pro-lifers in Pennsylvania and for the pro-life motion nationwide.

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