New Hampshire

Poll shows tight New Hampshire Senate race in a must-win contest for Democrats



New polling reveals that incumbent Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan is dealing with a good reelection bid regardless of big-name Republicans equivalent to Gov. Chris Sununu and former Sen. Kelly Ayotte staying out of the race.

The ballot, carried out by the College of New Hampshire, has Hassan throughout the margin of error of most of the prime Republican contenders, highlighting her vulnerability in a race that would decide the stability of energy within the Senate after the midterm cycle.


“In 2016, I gained by simply 1,017 votes, and this 12 months might be even nearer. I am no stranger to robust fights, however it’ll take all of us working collectively,” she tweeted earlier this week, acknowledging her shaky reelection prospects.


Democrats want to carry on to the New Hampshire seat to take care of their Senate majority, which at present relies on Vice President Kamala Harris’s tiebreaking vote within the 50-50 chamber.

The ballot discovered that Hassan leads Republicans Don Buldoc 47% to 46%, Kevin Smith 45% to 44%, and Bruce Fenton 46% to 40%. She is down towards Chuck Morse 44% to 46%. The ballot surveyed 975 potential voters on-line from April 14-18, with a margin of error of three.1 proportion factors. A majority of the voters (52%) surveyed voted for President Joe Biden throughout the latest election.

Maybe most alarming for Hassan is that roughly 51% of voters view her unfavorably, in comparison with 35% who view her favorably. Voter favorability for all of her prime potential Republican rivals is underwater as nicely, however none of their negatives rise above 34%, with most voters uncertain or undecided.

President Joe Biden not too long ago visited Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to debate provide chain issues and attempt to bolster help for Hassan, however that will not assist, as his approval rankings hover round all-time lows. Hassan has largely been a vocal supporter of the president, voting for laws backed by the administration 98% of the time, however not too long ago, she has additionally sought to place a ways between herself and the unpopular administration.

Hassan joined a rising Democratic mutiny voicing opposition to Biden’s plan to roll again Title 42, which restricts migration into the USA on account of COVID-19. Involved about political backlash from a spike in unlawful border crossings, Hassan additionally not too long ago indicated she would help efforts to fill “sure gaps in bodily boundaries alongside the border.” Her immigration posture has drawn criticism from some activists within the Democratic Get together.



Republicans are extensively anticipated to surf the pink wave in the course of the 2022 midterm cycle given historic benefits and a plethora of politically dicey points dogging the Democrats, together with inflation, rising crime, and excessive ranges of unlawful immigration. Many forecasts have Republicans retaking the Home however solid the Senate as much less of a fait accompli. Battle for management of the higher chamber, which at present has a 50–50 cut up between the 2 events, is topic to a lot of tight races, which, together with New Hampshire, embrace Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.


Hassan gained her seat in 2016 after defeating incumbent Republican Sen. Ayotte in an especially slim 47.98% to 47.84% race. Hassan was governor on the time, having first been elected to that place in 2012.

The state has trended blue in latest many years, with Biden trouncing former President Donald Trump by 7 factors in 2020. However Republicans have nonetheless managed to attain breakthroughs, as they at present management the state legislature and the governor’s mansion.

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