New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s Veteran Democrat Keeps Congressional Seat



Annie Kuster, one in every of New Hampshire’s longest-serving members of U.S. Congress, has upset a problem by Republican Robert Burns for her seat within the state’s 2nd Congressional district.

The Related Press known as the race with Kuster garnering 56.7 p.c of the vote, versus Burns’s 43.3 p.c with 60 p.c reporting of the votes as of two:17 a.m. ET on Nov. 9.

The veteran politician has maintained ultra-liberal viewpoints in her illustration of the “Reside Free or Die” state.

She is one in every of Congress’ most staunch abortion rights advocate and in a radio interview with New Hampshire NPR throughout her marketing campaign, tied the specter of the roll again of abortion rights to the present inflation, saying that “government-mandated” pregnancies come at a time “when households can’t afford to have one other child.”


Kuster, founding father of the Ladies’s Fund of New Hampshire and former co-chair of the New Hampshire Ladies for Obama, has all the time had an particularly giant following from girls with this election being no completely different.

She obtained a one hundred pc score from Deliberate Parenthood, and among the many newer packages she has led embrace the Households Flourish invoice which secured $500,00 in federal funding specifically for New Hampshire moms scuffling with substance abuse.

She additionally helped kind a bipartisan activity power geared toward extra stringent punishment for perpetrators of sexual assaults and human trafficking, a stark distinction to her foyer in opposition to a invoice within the late Nineteen Nineties that will have labeled date rape medication as unlawful and, due to this fact, prison to own. On the time, Kuster, a licensed legal professional was a lobbyist for Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc. which manufactured one of many date rape medication.

On different fronts, Kuster was additionally a serious supporter of the $2 trillion Construct Again Higher Act, which promotes extra social providers and local weather change insurance policies by Democrats.

Her sturdy help for unions received her endorsements from organizations like The Skilled Firefighters of New Hampshire.


Whereas she voted in favor of the federal police reform act named after George Floyd, taxpayer {dollars} she received for legislation enforcement companies additionally made her standard amongst police unions throughout her marketing campaign.

Simply three weeks earlier than elections, she together with the remainder of New Hampshire’s Democratic delegates secured $500,000 in funding for a hiring program for state legislation enforcement.

Kuster has additionally maintained reputation amongst younger voters within the state, doubtless owed partially to federal {dollars} she helped safe for state schools over time.

Previous to her election to federal workplace, Kuster served for 25 years in state politics, having served each within the New Hampshire Home and Senate.

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Alice Giordano is a former information correspondent for The Boston Globe, Related Press, and New England bureau of The New York Occasions.

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