New Hampshire
Man Flees Crash, Found At North Main Street Cumbies, Police Say
CONCORD, NH — An officer on patrol in the North End came across a crash on North Main Street near Interstate 393 on Thursday night around 10:45 p.m.
The vehicle, a Scion coupe, was owned by a Center Barnstead man. The coupe had front-end damage after driving into the curb from I-393 and appearing to try and turn south onto North Main Street. The officer said parts of the car were strewn around the area, and no driver was in sight. The airbags were deployed, but it appeared there was not any blood in the vehicle, a second officer said.
Another officer, around the Concord Homeless Resource Center, saw a man walking in the area. Another officer arrived to assist and they attempted to find the man.
A third officer, who knew the driver, gave a description and a fourth officer reported finding someone on another section North Main Street. They also stated in a prior contact with the driver, he was with a woman.
The man near the resource was not involved in the incident, one officer said.
Dispatch began calling cab drivers to see if they had picked up anyone in the area, but they had not, according to scanner chatter.
At around 11:30 p.m., police ran into the woman from the previous incident. She claimed she was driving the coupe before it crashed. However, dispatch said a witness placed a man at the scene as the driver. The witness said there was no woman with him.
Police then went to Cumbies after a store employee called the police to report a man who walked into the store but, after seeing police outside, quickly fled the area. Police went to the store and found the owner of the coupe in the parking lot.
News 60s posted a video on Facebook.
Concord NH Patch will update this post when more information becomes available.
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