New Hampshire

Has It Ever Snowed in August in New Hampshire or Maine?



Editor’s notice: This text was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and should include the person’s views, opinions or private experiences.

You already know it is coming. Fairly quickly, you will see the primary purple leaf of the season in your entrance yard. After which…it is you already know what. The “W” phrase. With the “S” phrase. No, the opposite one. SNOW.

That received us questioning if it had ever snowed right here in Maine or New Hampshire in August. It will need to have in some unspecified time in the future, proper? Possibly within the “days of yore” earlier than this local weather change factor actually kicked in.

Has It Ever Snowed in Maine or New Hampshire in August?


Shoeprints in snow


Fortunately, NO. In accordance with our pals on the Nationwide Climate Service, the earliest it has ever snowed in Maine (with some accumulation) is in September. On September 29, 1991, Caribou, Maine, noticed some snow.

Nationwide Climate Service

Nationwide Climate Service

What about in New Hampshire? Harmony noticed its earliest snow ever in October of 1979. Mt Washington often sees its first snow in September, with about six days of snowfall! It does snow in June on Mt. Washington, however fortunately, the snow takes July and August off.

Each states often see a wee little bit of snow in late November. Benefit from the summer season and no complaining in regards to the warmth. The “S” Phrase…is not too far behind!


TripAdvisor’s Prime-20 Maine Lighthouses

We all know what Mainers love about Maine. What about the complete world? On this article, we have a look at Maine’s unimaginable lighthouses.

Here is the Prime-20 hottest Maine lighthouses in keeping with Tripadvisor. Many of those are acquainted, whereas others would possibly shock you.

Prime 20 Maine Breweries In accordance with Journey Advisor

Maine has extra breweries than individuals. That is most likely not an actual stat, nevertheless it undoubtedly feels prefer it. Listed below are the highest 20 breweries in keeping with Journey Advisor

Fast Word: Hidden Cove Brewing is listed as eleventh. H0wever, that brewery has been bought, so it’s not represented on the checklist.


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