FARMINGTON — Western Maine Audubon is sponsoring a live talk by Professor Herb Wilson, “Vagrant Birds Seen in Maine.” The free talk is set for 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9, in Thomas Auditorium in the University of Maine at Farmington’s Preble Hall, 173 High St.
Wilson will explore some of the research that has been done to explain vagrancy in birds. Some explanations rely on intentional movements to explore outside the normal range and others involve the effects of storms and faulty navigation. Some of the more amazing vagrants that have occurred in Maine will be considered, according to a news release from Will Jones, Audubon board member.
Wilson is a professor emeritus of biology at Colby College, where he taught ornithology, evolution and diversity, marine ecology, and marine invertebrate zoology. His primary ornithological interests are the impacts of global climate change on bird migration and the foraging behavior of winter birds in Maine.
For those who cannot attend, the talk can be accessed live via Zoom.
Both postings will be available on the day of the talk. A video will also be recorded and posted on the website.
The link for the sign in will be posted at and on the Western Maine Audubon Facebook page.
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