
Maine man denies charge related to homemade explosive



BANGOR — An 18-year-old charged with having do-it-yourself explosive units that he supposed to make use of to assault a mosque and different homes of worship in Chicago pleaded not responsible to federal prices.

Xavier Pelkey, of Waterville, was arraigned Thursday after being indicted on a cost of possession of unregistered harmful units. He remained in federal custody pending trial.

Pelkey was arrested Feb. 11 by FBI brokers who allegedly discovered three do-it-yourself explosives. The units have been product of fireworks bundled along with staples, pins and thumb tacks to create shrapnel, the FBI mentioned.

He was allegedly was in communication with two juveniles about his plans to journey to Chicago to assault a mosque, and probably a synagogue, prosecutors have mentioned.


Pelkey’s legal professional didn’t return a name Friday looking for remark.

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