Readers speak: Connecticut should be more focused on business growth
Connecticut should be more focused on business growth
Thank you Gov. Ned Lamont for discouraging the use of public funds for union strike payments. Public funds should never be used to pick sides in the employer – employee negotiation process. Connecticut has a poor reputation for being a smart place to start a business. Therefore, pandering to unions in support of strike actions needs to be stopped. Yes, Democrats love to push union interests, but perhaps, Connecticut could become more aspirational and focused on business growth by siding with entrepreneurs and innovators. That certainly would show a better understanding of competitive positioning, rather than squandering taxpayer funds on political point making and strike disruptions.
Richard Carreau, Old Lyme
Trump facing justice
Trump’s most avid supporters echo his claim that he is the innocent victim of a corrupt legal system in the hands of left-wing villains. Some of his Evangelical supporters even claim that, like Christ, Trump struggles beneath the weight of the cross of blind malice. But for most Americans, Trump’s predicament is less like Christ’s and more like Bernie Madoff’s. Trump is now, like Madoff, being brought to account, and yes, he, too, has become a target of the same system of justice that sent Madoff to prison. Christ is said to have died for our sins. Trump is no Christ figure and calling him one is an insult to Christ and to authentic Christians throughout the world.
Jack Pasanen, Burlington