
Final debate for New Haven mayoral candidates



Voters have just two weeks to make up their minds in key races across the state. In New Haven, people will decide who leads their city.

“We have accomplished so much together,” said Justin Elicker, D – candidate for New Haven mayor.

Elicker says those successes include improving city finances and work on affordable housing.

On Tuesday, he faced his two challengers during the final debate of the mayor’s race at the Shubert Theatre.


“I want a city where we are creating jobs, where we are creating opportunities,” said Tom Goldenberg, R – candidate for New Haven mayor.

 “If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself,” said Wendy Hamilton, petitioning candidate for New Haven mayor.

Among the areas that candidates tackled was violence in the city. So far this year, many crimes are down though murders are way up.

“We have increased the investment into our community because ultimately we will not solve gun violence through policing, even though we’re doing a lot on policing,” Elicker said.

“When it comes to things like drug dealing, illegal drug dealing, illegal drug use, street ATV takeovers, prostitution we need to enforce that quality of life. There needs to be consequences,” Goldenberg said.


“We have to make a dent in white collar crime in order to decrease street crime,” Hamilton said.

Another hot topic was priorities for education.

“Our absenteeism rates are dramatically down compared to last year,” Elicker said.

“My vision for education is one in which our kids can read at grade level,” Goldenberg said.

“I intend to pay the teachers starting at $100,000 a year,” Hamilton said.


Back in 2021, Elicker won a second term with almost 80% of the vote.

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