
Madeleine Albright, First Woman to Serve as Secretary of State, Dies at 84



Fearful about exposing their daughter in Belgrade state colleges to Marxist indoctrination, nevertheless, the Korbels despatched Marie to a personal faculty in Switzerland and adjusted her identify to Madeleine.

When Communists seized energy in Prague in 1948, Mr. Korbel was compelled to resign and once more turned a needed man. Unwilling to return to Prague, he joined a United Nations fee and despatched his household to London after which on to America. The household was reunited in New York, given political asylum and settled in Denver, the place Mr. Korbel turned a professor on the College of Denver.

On the Kent Denver Faculty, Madeleine Korbel based a global relations membership and graduated in 1955. At Wellesley Faculty, she studied political science, edited the varsity newspaper and graduated with honors in 1959. She additionally turned an American citizen in 1957.

On a summer season internship at The Denver Put up, she met Joseph Medill Patterson Albright, the grandson of Joseph Medill Patterson, who based The Day by day Information of New York, and the nephew of Alicia Patterson, the founder and editor of Newsday on Lengthy Island.

In 1959, Ms. Korbel married Mr. Albright and transformed to Episcopalianism. The couple had three daughters, the twins Alice and Anne, and Katie, and had been divorced in 1983. Along with Anne, Ms. Albright is survived by her different two daughters, alongside along with her sister, Kathy Silva; her brother, John Korbel; and 6 grandchildren. She lived in Washington.


In 1962, Ms. Albright started postgraduate work on the Paul H. Nitze Faculty of Superior Worldwide Research, a Washington-based division of Johns Hopkins College. At Columbia College, she earned a Russian certificates and a grasp’s diploma in worldwide affairs in 1968 and a doctorate in 1976.

She acquired into politics in 1972, elevating funds for the dropping presidential marketing campaign of Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine, a household buddy, who named her his legislative aide. After Jimmy Carter’s 1976 presidential victory, Zbigniew Brzezinski turned nationwide safety adviser and recruited his former Columbia scholar, Ms. Albright, as congressional liaison for Mr. Carter’s Nationwide Safety Council.

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