
What is Wisconsin’s state flower? How and why was it chosen?



Many people know that the badger is Wisconsin’s state animal, the robin is our state bird, and milk is our state beverage.


But, did you know that each state also has a state flower?

Here’s what to know about Wisconsin’s state flower and the story behind it.

What is Wisconsin’s state flower?

Wisconsin’s state flower is the wood violet, known in the scientific community as Viola papilionacea.

According to Authentic Wisconsin, wood violets are irregular in shape, and the flowers are deep blue-purple, violet or white with blue markings. The flowers have white throats and stems that droop slightly. This gives them the appearance of a head bending toward the ground, perhaps why the flower is associated with modesty and decency, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center says.


Wood violets typically have five petals. The upper two petals generally boast a deeper shade of purple. Two of the lower petals often have fine hairs and are separated by a third lower and broader petal where pollinators land. The flowers are in peak bloom from April to June.

Wood violet flowers and young leaves are edible, Authentic Wisconsin says. Leaves have high levels of vitamins A and C.

Why is the wood violet Wisconsin’s state flower?

According to the Wisconsin Blue Book, school children in 1908 nominated four candidates for the state flower: the wood violet, wild rose, trailing arbutus and white water lily. On Arbor Day 1909, the final vote was taken, and the wood violet won. It was officially recognized as Wisconsin’s state flower by law in 1949.

However, Wisconsin residents admired the wood violet long before it was the state’s official flower, Proflowers.com says. Pictures of the flower appeared on a state stamp all the way back in 1848.


Are wood violets native to Wisconsin?

Yes, wood violets are native to Wisconsin and much of eastern North America.

According to Proflowers, wood violets can be found in nearly all Wisconsin counties and thrive in wet woodlands.

Does Wisconsin share a state flower with any other states?

Wisconsin is the only state that claims the wood violet as its state flower, however, three other states have the violet as their state flower: Illinois, New Jersey and Rhode Island.

More: How are Wisconsin’s state symbols, like the state bird, chosen? Schoolchildren often play a part.


More: What is your state’s official flower? Here’s a list of the state flower for all 50 US states

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