
Pro-transgender activists eat pages from Bible to protest Matt Walsh appearance at University of Wisconsin



Professional-transgender activists ate pages from a Bible as they protested an occasion that includes Matt Walsh and his controversial documentary “What’s a Lady?” on the College of Wisconsin-Madison.

Conservative commentator Walsh, who’s in the midst of a school tour, arrived on campus Oct. 24 for a screening of his movie and was greeted by a clutch of livid college students.

The Younger America’s Basis posted video of a red-haired scholar shoving pages from a torn-up Bible in her mouth.

In one other video, protesters are filmed screaming into megaphones that white individuals are “f–king racist” and that they have been there to “collectively chase Nazis off the U-W campus.”


The protesters chanted “trans proper are human rights” whereas being led by a girl draped in a rainbow flag.

YAF intercut the protest video with a clip the 400 folks contained in the auditorium the place Walsh was set to talk showing to welcome him warmly to the stage.

The Younger America’s Basis posted video of a red-haired scholar shoving pages from a torn-up Bible in her mouth.
Younger America’s Basis

“I wish to thank additionally the leftist crybabies for the free promoting spray-painted throughout campus,” Walsh mentioned previous to the screening of his film.

Then he addressed the heads of the college, referencing a message the college had despatched out earlier than his arrival warning college students {that a} speaker whose views “we consider are dangerous towards our trans group” was slated to look.

“To the UW-Madison administration: you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You’re disgraceful, self-debasing cowards, and also you spineless, gutless clowns owe me an apology.”

College of Wisconsin-Madison mentioned that Walsh could possibly be dangerous to the trans group.
Younger America’s Basis

In response to the video, Walsh tweeted: “Nicely, you may be on the aspect that eats the Bible and castrates youngsters, otherwise you may be on actually any aspect however that one. Your selection, America.”

“What’s a Lady?” was launched earlier this yr. It examines gender and transgender points whereas contending that womanhood is decided by biology.

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