South Dakota
Opponents of Senate Bill 201 holding South Dakota is Not for Sale rally tonight in Pierre
Building on the momentum of many of their supporters defeating some long-time republican candidates in Tuesday’s (June 4, 2024) primary election in South Dakota, opponents of what’s become known as the “Landowner Bill of Rights” are holding a rally tonight (June 7, 2024) in Pierre.
SB201 is one of a trio of “linear project” related bills that make up the Landowner Bill of Rights. Passed during this year’s legislative session, its sponsors said it was an attempt to bring compromise between land owners and developers. Opponents of the bills are gathering signatures in an effort to put the issue on the November general election ballot.
One of the organizers of the South Dakota is Not for Sale rally is agriculture advocate and nationally syndicated radio program host Trent Loos.
Loos says they will gather in Steamboat Park and hear messages from three speakers.
The bills were in response to companies wanting to build a pipeline through part of South Dakota to transport carbon captured from ethanol plants to storage underground in North Dakota. During the debates, a number of agriculture groups expressed support for the “Landowner Bill of Rights,” signed into law by Governor Kristi Noem on March 7, 2024. Those include the South Dakota Farm Bureau, the South Dakota Corn Growers Association, the South Dakota Soybean Association and the South Dakota Trade Alliance.