South Dakota

Dusty Johnson voices concern for rural mail services as USPS is set to downsize Sioux Falls facility



RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) – Representative Dusty Johnson continues to voice concern over the restructuring of mail processing and delivery centers in South Dakota.

Kota News previously spoke with Representative Johnson about his concern over the possible restructuring of a processing and distribution center in Sioux Falls.

In a separate interview, United States Postal Service Strategic Communications Manager Mark Inglett told us that despite the concern from lawmakers the postal service has no plans to shut down any facilities or to downsize in any way, and noted that USPS was hiring.

After recent news of mail delivery now being routed through Omaha, USPS Representative Johnson met with the President of the South Dakota Rural Letter Carriers Association Brandon Delzer to discuss potential issues he sees happening.


“Their official decision is to move 13 jobs out of Huron and also downsize operations in Sioux Falls. It’s hard for me to imagine how this is going to make delivery better for South Dakota. We’ve got real concerns. The delegation, we’ve been working together to try and tell the post office that we don’t understand how this moves us in the right direction,” Johnson said.

Johnson also said that irritation is growing not only in Washington D.C. but in South Dakota and that he will continue to write to the post office to help sway their decision back.

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