North Dakota

The state of abortion in North Dakota following the Dobbs Decision



BISMARCK, N.D. (KUMV) – Saturday, June 24 marks the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe V. Wade.

In a 5-to-3 decision last year, the Supreme Court ruled there is no federal constitutional right to abortion. That meant every state had a choice on whether or not to allow abortions.

In North Dakota, a Republican-led supermajority passed a bill in April that banned abortions past six weeks. That limit also includes those who are victims of rape and incest. State Democrats like Rep. Karla Rose Hanson, D-Fargo, said the bill ignores a state Supreme Court ruling that provides a right to an abortion while attacking individual freedoms.

“North Dakotans do not want politicians interfering in their very personal healthcare decisions. Voters have spoken very loud and clear on that, but the North Dakota legislature did exactly that. They’re attacking personal freedoms,” said Hanson.


During the session, those in favor of the bill said it continues the state’s tradition of protecting all life.

“This state has been pro-life. We care for the mother and the unborn child and children obviously afterwards as well,” said Sen. Janne Mydral, R-Edinburg on April 19.

When Governor Doug Burgum signed the bill, he said in a statement that it clarifies state law that was trigged into effect by the Dobbs decision and reaffirms North Dakota as a pro-life state.

Your News Leader reached out to the chairman of the NDGOP for comment but have not received a response.

The legality of that law and the trigger law that was set to go into effect last year are being challenged in state court.


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